"Low spiritual immune system" rings in my head yesterday, which was a week after being hospitalized for the first time. It makes some sense to me last night that I needed to rebuild my spiritual immune system, but it took me a nightlong before I understand what was happening.
Thursday, November 8th
I suddenly felt dizzy after I had an early shower at around 8PM. I informed my roommate about it and she suspect that it was vertigo. I was asked to stand straight up and that was when I had to ran into my bathroom to throw up. And that happened again and again for almost everytime I walk or even getting my head straight up without any support. My roommates decided that it's best to get me to the hospital. There I stayed for several hours on the bed after 30 minutes of waiting. I was diagnoised with both dehydration and vertigo and I received the prescription at 3:30AM. But I refused to believe that I have vertigo. No.
Around 10AM, I woke up feeling a lot better but I'm physically tired. I had to throw up until my stomach is completely empty last night, so my tummy felt funny. I was scheduled to meet my co-founder and his wife at noon with a cameraman to start the project for IgniteASL. I texted them to meet an hour later. After some advices, I decided to toss the prescription slip and I filled water into the biggest bottle I have. I went ahead with the project all day and the next day- Friday and Saturday. I was allright. Does it seemed real? No.
It must have been partly a spiritual battle. That was what I've been telling myself. It wasn't the vertigo. My friends and I felt that I was somehow affected by the earlier converstaion which had surfaced some pains and flashbacks. It must have released some toxicity into my body, leading to this. But how can I prevent it from happening again? Why now?
This morning I realized that I've forgotten the very Scripture I memorized that have been protected me when I was a teenager. Throughout my life, I held onto Proverb 4:23. And I've somehow lost hold of the very thing I had held close to my heart when my life seemed to be much easier. So I must have loosened the hope I had. As I prayed in the chapel, I decided to reopen the verse to read even though I've memorized the verse. Wow, I had a new revelation because I didn't memorize the verses leading into this.
"My [daughter], pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." -Prov 4:20-23
I love the promise He had given us! Hold tight to His words and you will find health to one's whole body. Whole body, not part! Then I understood that I had to go back to His words to rebuild the spiritual immune system. I used to guard my spiritual immune system well when I was used to the offenses. I was unoffendable. And somehow that had changed. All I know is that I had to seek Him and find the answer through prayer and fasting.
What about you? Are you staying rooted into the Word? Is your spiritual immune system strong? Are you the unoffendable?