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Friday, November 16, 2012

Low Spiritual Immune System

"Low spiritual immune system" rings in my head yesterday, which was a week after being hospitalized for the first time. It makes some sense to me last night that I needed to rebuild my spiritual immune system, but it took me a nightlong before I understand what was happening.

Thursday, November 8th
I suddenly felt dizzy after I had an early shower at around 8PM. I informed my roommate about it and she suspect that it was vertigo. I was asked to stand straight up and that was when I had to ran into my bathroom to throw up. And that happened again and again for almost everytime I walk or even getting my head straight up without any support. My roommates decided that it's best to get me to the hospital. There I stayed for several hours on the bed after 30 minutes of waiting.  I was diagnoised with both dehydration and vertigo and I received the prescription at 3:30AM. But I refused to believe that I have vertigo. No.
Around 10AM, I woke up feeling a lot better but I'm physically tired. I had to throw up until my stomach is completely empty last night, so my tummy felt funny. I was scheduled to meet my co-founder and his wife at noon with a cameraman to start the project for IgniteASL. I texted them to meet an hour later. After some advices, I decided to toss the prescription slip and I filled water into the biggest bottle I have. I went ahead with the project all day and the next day- Friday and Saturday. I was allright. Does it seemed real? No.
It must have been partly a spiritual battle. That was what I've been telling myself. It wasn't the vertigo. My friends and I felt that I was somehow affected by the earlier converstaion which had surfaced some pains and flashbacks. It must have released some toxicity into my body, leading to this. But how can I prevent it from happening again? Why now?

This morning I realized that I've forgotten the very Scripture I memorized that have been protected me when I was a teenager. Throughout my life, I held onto Proverb 4:23. And I've somehow lost hold of the very thing I had held close to my heart when my life seemed to be much easier. So I must have loosened the hope I had. As I prayed in the chapel, I decided to reopen the verse to read even though I've memorized the verse. Wow, I had a new revelation because I didn't memorize the verses leading into this.

"My [daughter], pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." -Prov 4:20-23

I love the promise He had given us! Hold tight to His words and you will find health to one's whole body. Whole body, not part! Then I understood that I had to go back to His words to rebuild the spiritual immune system. I used to guard my spiritual immune system well when I was used to the offenses. I was unoffendable. And somehow that had changed. All I know is that I had to seek Him and find the answer through prayer and fasting.

What about you? Are you staying rooted into the Word? Is your spiritual immune system strong? Are you the unoffendable?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Break the Impossible

A tough calling is to break the spiritual obstacles on the way to the mountaintop. In the present, we don't know why we are facing those obstacles and it seemed hopeless. We cannot find the way through those obstacles, but when we do, we simply went through. Sweats came upon our foreheads. We felt our heartbeats surfacing. We aim high. But in the end, we will be able to look down and see the landscapes. When we do, we understood that those obstacles have made us who we are.

Then "It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his path.'" - Isaiah 2:2-4

Break the obstacles. Break the hopeless. Break the impossiblities.

We are called to believe that all things are possible through God who gives us strength. It's a tough calling. I don't know about you, but for me, a tough calling is to bridge the gap between the communities. Galatians 3:28 is sealed upon my heart for several years. But it's been a few years since I started practicing the "Neither hearing nor deaf, but all are one in Christ", I discovered that it is much tougher to be a Deaf ministry leader within a church than it is to be a captain of a girls' basketball team in high school or in college or anything else. I believe that it's because the more you obey your calling and the higher you aim for, the more obstacles were created specifically for you. But hey! Every struggle develops you.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Hope vs Expections

This morning I was asking God about His promises. I felt that they were hard on me. I was so sick of them. It would be easier if I had no promises from Him.

Then I suddenly recalled a sermon from Bayless Conley- something like "Expectations in things set you for the disappointments, but expectations from God set you for success." As I think about it, a question was infused into my thought, "What's the difference between hope and expectation?"

I googled for their definitions and any article that explains the difference. I suddenly realized that I expected a lot of things in my life. I expected something from God and from the people instead of hope. Their definitions are similar- they both internally desired for something in our journey. But they both have a different way of expressing. Hope expresses a feeling or an intuitive that it shall be (which opens to others' point-of-view). Expectation expresses a knowledge or a determined set of values that it shall be (in one's point-of-view of course).

Here is the chart from the article I found that would help us survey ourselves whether we have the attitude of hoping or expecting:

So grateful for the insight this morning. It helps me to hope and expect (a different kind of espectation) in God. It is not with a fearful expectation of judgment (Heb 10:27) but with expectation in what God had specifically and eternally promised (Phil 1:20).

"The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish." -Prov 10:28

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Becoming Credentialed?

With the upcoming intake interview, I've begun to think about what my role is and what God want me to do. Several months ago I've decided to take a step toward becoming credentialed in the Potomac District Council Assembly of God. I didn't really wanted to do this, I still feel weird about it at this moment. I've always wanted to become credentialed in a 'nondenominational district" but it doesn't work that way. A part of me asked God to shut this door if He doesn't lead me there. And another part of me wondered if God has opened this door and how that would change me?

It may and may not change me.

After few years of observing few honorable Assembly of God pastors and other denominational pastors. I've seen that not all of them agree with their own doctrines, but all of them have agreed to follow the Christ. I've seen an Assembly of God pastor signing up for a Southern Baptist Conference. I've seen different denominational Body gathers together at Alpha Conference and how each one would look at one another in how we all worship God uniquely- either stiffly or freely. Morever, I've known an Assembly of God pastor who had never speak in tongues continuing his pastoral ministry. What is this?!

As a short-term pastor kid under Assmebly of God dad and a short-term missionary kid under Youth With A Mission parents, I've seen some authentic leaders and hypocritical leaders. And they existed everywhere and nowhere. I have experienced the spiritual abuses and the spiritual healings myself. We are all sinners and we are all His ambassadors. But there is the one very thing that draws me: a few matured Christians in each denomination are well respected in their own denomational group as well as in another denominational group.

"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another." Gal 5:25-26

Friday, June 29, 2012

Remind the Forgetful

New Poster at Ebenezers Coffeehouse 

Three days ago my friend, who I worked with as a youth teacher at a Bible camp, stopped by at Ebenezers Coffeehouse to see if he could surprise me. He emailed me when he and his daughter, a student at Gallaudet Unviersity, and her friend got there. He said, "Where are you?" I was at my home taking care of a guest and eating a breakfast. When I got his message, I laughed and rushed to meet him. I explained that I'm a full-time volunteer not a staff at NCC and at Gallaudet University, which I was often asked. I explained them about the history of NCC and showed them the performance level where we used to have the church services. I've been there since it begun and ceased, it was held in 2006-2012. When we got into the stairs, I looked up and found the frame blank. I told them that we used to have the poster to advertise the people about NCC and I wished that it was still there.

This morning I walked into the same stairway into 7:14 morning prayer. Viola, it was there! I love the new design. That was until I noticed something amissing. The beautiful thing became the most ugly thing I've ever seen. My mindset had changed. I couldn't pray. Actually, I asked God if I could find a knife and tear down the ugly thing. That was a prayer. I'm waiting to hear "Aye" from my boss.

What was missing? Maybe you could guess, maybe you could not. It is something that most people would forget. It's too common. Mistakes repeated.

"Interpreter Provided"

NCC had been wonderful this year! The weekly bulletin would include "ASL interpretation provided weekly at Barracks Row Sunday AM services." Neat! We also have seats reserved for ASL interpretation. Neat! We also created a new logo symbol for any interpreter provided events. Neat!

If we will grasp and love the reality, then we will become the people of God. We will remind the forgetful. The Old Testament prophets reminded the people about God. Moses reminded God that His people are His people. We remind each other that our people are our people.

National Community Church!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"  -John 9:25

Several months ago, the right end of the couch had became my home office. My laptop was attached to the short cord of Ethernet after its Wi-Fi ceased to function. I was stuck at the spot. That was until I found a perfect free desk abandoned outside for anybody. I rejoiced over this desk and so I begged a roommate to carry it over and we could share the desk to work. She gave up her 15 minutes. The desk was set in the end of the hallway and I borrowed the extended Ethernet cord from another roommate to create a working space. After everything is set, I realized that sharing the desk would cause a crisis- a scheduling problem! So I made the wisest decision by backing out from sharing the desk, "It's my desk and I have less spaces than you do." I reasoned that since my other roommate have a certain shelves/drawer somewhere in the living room and in the hallway and I don't, so I have the right to this space to this desk. Or it was what I thought, eh?

Yesterday I felt the nudging from the Lord to give away the desk. And so I took it outside past midnight and posted it "FREE". That morning I had a regular morning prayers and in middle of this I got a message from a dad of two kids I babysit. He asked me if I could babysit them at a last minute notice because his friend's kids were sick. I accepted the assignment. In few hours, the toddlers were over and the dad liked the desk and took it home! It was a blessing to him. Wow. But I was back to the right end of the couch. It was backward awkward.

Today was a few extra steps backward. My office at home is not limited to the right end of the couch. Due to the change, I took the effort to see if I could fix the problem with the Wi-Fi. I learned that the problem was not a problem, but overlooked. The Wi-Fi switch was simply somehow turned off. I think that's what happen when you have an adorable toddler in the house! And so I switched it on. Voila! It works. Which means I could work on the dining table, on my bunk bed, at Ebenezers Coffeehouse, or wherever Wi-Fi is available. Well I could also go back to the favorite right end of the couch.

The point of the story is that we are sometimes "blind-stuck". We could overlook a small source of the problem which caused us to become stuck. Yet I felt that God used this "blind-stuck" situation to glorify Himself. I don't know if we have sinned, but I know that God had opened our eyes. Our "eyes" are opened because our "ears" are listening.

The blind man in John 9 was listening, spiritually speaking. If not, then let us say "Ephphatha" to listen.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Listen and Act in Obedience

But in our time something new has been added. What Moses and the prophets witnessed to all those years has happened. The God-setting-things-right that we read about has become Jesus-setting-things-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him. For there is no difference between us and them in this. Since we've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ.

I was restless all night. All I felt was the condemnation. I criticized myself and others. I was frustrated. I thought of how frustrated Elijah was when he shouted in the wilderness, "I wanna die!" Then God guided him. I told him to direct me. I needed to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of something. I knew that I wasn't a god and that I cannot continue to condemn myself. But what was the conviction? What needed to be changed? And how?

"Give away your desk," was all what He said. I argue at first. It was crazy. I needed to finish preparing for the workshop I was going to teach. I needed it to work effectively. I wasn't supposed to feel guilty for taking up such a small space when it seemed fair according to my measurement. Afterall, my roommates had their portions of space.

"Do you trust me?" I suddenly realized that I was trying to work for Him myself rather than obeying. I was a "working dog" titled in Ecclesiastes 4 (MSG), indeed. Thus I responded by getting off my bed at midnight to get my stuff out and carry my desk out quickly. Firstly, I knew that I couldn't sleep without acting. Secondly, I knew that I may hesitate again in the morning.

The disciples also had to give up their homes and careers to follow Jesus without understanding why they had to. Mary poured the expensive perfume on Jesus' feet, she probably had no clue about His death or how soon it will be. Judas is the exceptional, he criticized Mary for giving away her perfume. He later clinged to the money bag, which led him to betray Jesus. I believe that somewhere along the way, he heard the conviction but he reasoned with himself because that conviction didn't make sense to him. He forgot why he was following Jesus in the first place.

We may either cling to something or give something away to cling to Jesus.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Developing the Mindsight

"Mindsight" is a term used to describe our capacity to see the mind in ourselves and in others. A focused attention enables us to see the internal workings of our minds. It's like seeing our minds through the Holy Spirit lens before we may form the conclusion of our relationships with the others.

Jesus had the greatest mindsight. In John 8, men carried the adulterous woman to Jesus and demanded him to respond by pressuring. Instead Jesus lingered for some time as he wrote something on the ground. Then with his mindsight, he told them, "You may stone her if you haven't sinned." A simple statement comes from him without an offensive attitude, "Do you know what a grace is? Duh!" Nor with a passivity, "Uh... Okay. You may stone her according to the law." Nor with an awkward silence, "..." But he responded with the mindsight.

He wasn't offended nor does he offended either the adulterous woman nor the teachers and the Pharisees because he saw how their minds work. The adulterous woman- the condemned- was hurt and condemned, she was obviously awared of her sin. The teachers of law and the Pharisees- the narcissists- were self-consumed that they didn't see their own sins. So Jesus repsonded intectually. Jesus created the leverage to convince them of their sins by telling them to stone her if they hadn't sinned. They left convicted. Then Jesus leveraged the woman by telling asking her if no one condemned her and then told her to go and sin no more. She left uncondemned and convicted.

'Conversations and interactions are all about the other person, not about you or the two of you as a "we." Mindsight is the perceptual ability that narcissists often have not developed well in their lives.'
                                                                   -Disarming the Narcissist, Wendy T. Behary, LCSW

Jesus didn't let them change him, but he changed them. Throughout the Bible, his conversations and interactions are all about the people not himself.

Be the power of influence!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jumpstart the Inner Bookworm

"From Bookworm to Social Butterfly" certification was handed to me by my coach in the end of my first year of college basketball. In the end of my senior year, I felt like I had a senioritis and graduation is probably the sole cure for it and that I was ready for graduate school. Today I felt like one of those former days- a social butterfly. What's a social butterfly supposed to do if it missed being a bookworm?

Find a motivation.

"All women are called to be teachers, to live and speak the truth to those around us. When we are lackadaisical toward theology, too busy, too tired, or too fearful to wrestle with what the Bible says about God, we not only hurt ourselves and retard our relationship with Christ but we weaken other Christians who depend on us to be strong for them.
It may take a stern warning like this to shake us up and get us going. But higher motives will soon take over: the prospects of a DEEPER delight in Christ, along with improved strength and courage."

I'm not sure how I will jumpstart my inner bookworm, but I definitely needed to start with something! I believe that my readings and my writings don't impact the many as my words and actions do. It's as if a social butterfly had to be a beautiful caterpillar first before it could be a beautiful social butterfly. I need to jumpstart my readings and writings- my inner bookworm. My precious.

"Guard your heart [your calling and your time with God] for its wellspring of life." Proverb 4:23

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Problem Solved vs Problem Solving

There are a lot of people who prayed for the problems to be solved. There are a few people who prayed for the problems to be in the process of being solved- problem solving. Problem solved will not help us to develop our character, but problem solving will.

We often are impatience when it comes to the problems. So we prayed the problems away when we needed those very problems to grow exponentially- to change. I believe that it's the very reason that the miracles don't happen in America, one of the most 'problem-free' country, as it does in other countries. We often prayed problems away so that we don't have to act in the tension.

That's why I love listening to Andrew Marin, the president and founder of the Marin Foundation (click here to learn more). He decided to build bridge between the Christians and the gay community in Chicago!

What's A Truly Miracle?

I've been pondering about what's truly a miracle if there's two completely different perspectives about it. We are full of different perspectives within different community. Which one is a reversed miracle and which one is a miracle?

The poor may think that it's a miracle when the rich, or Mother Teresa, became poor. The rich may think that it's a miracle when the poor became rich. The non-Christian may think that it's a miracle when Jesus lived among the sinners and the Christian thinks that it's a miracle when Jesus went into heaven to be with the Father. Hilter thinks that it's a miracle when everyone became the norm and we think that it's a miracle when everyone became different and unique.

What's a truly miracle?

I'm not sure whether it's a miracle for the deaf to become hearing or for the hearing to become deaf. Last week someone asked me if I believed that I could be healed and I said, "Yes". Of course I didn't asked to be healed, but I always wanted to follow God's purpose for me whatever it is. But if someone asked me if I believed that I could remain deaf forever, I would have said, "Yes" as well. Why did I think of it that way? Because I believe that it's a miracle either ways. And you may pray for me either ways. I won't feel offended if you pray about those complexed miracles. I will feel offended when you prayed that I will take an easy path.

Here's a story of an alienated miracle that you might haven't heard of!

A wife of somebody has started to learn ASL because she felt called to. That somebody didn't want to learn some ASL because he felt that it's unnecessary. So he kept doing what he does while his wife became part of the Deaf community. They ministered the people within two different worlds. He ministered the hearing and she ministered the Deaf. As the time goes by, he did things in his house when someone came into the house. He was alerted. He asked his friend, "Why didn't you knock?" His friend told him that he did. At that moment, he realized that he couldn't hear his friend talking as well. He panicked and called his wife, "I will see you soon and do not call back!" He hurried.
His life had changed from that day and forward because he had miraculously became deaf! Thus, he finally had to learn ASL with his wife. He has lost a lot of hearing friends because they left him when they learned that they don't have a full access to the communication. He realized that he is in a completely different world now and he started to minister to the Deaf. Now they have started a non-profit Christian that ministered to many Deaf, the most abandoned people group when it comes to the gospel spreading. A miracle!

I feel confused! What's a truly miracle? Blank.

Should I pray for the hearing to become "reversed-healed"? Did anyone ever? Can it ever be listed as a miracle? What is normal? What is a truly miracle? Blank.

Well... what about a bridge building miracle? An alienated miracle within a miracle?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homeless' Grateful Kiss

"A woman of the city, who was a sinner,... standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment." -Luke 7:37-38

This afternoon I felt like my character was being tested of what it's like to be washed and kissed in front of everybody. One situation may involve several perspectives. This woman is glad. Jesus felt the compassion. Everyone else rebuked. But what if we shifted the characters in this story- would the Pharisee feel the compassion? Would you? Would I?

I met a friend at Union Station over a coffee this late morning to nuture each other in the Word. After we met, she needed to take the bus and I had a margin between two appointments. So I decided to go with her across a street to wait with her until her bus comes. As we waited, I saw a homeless guy struggled his way across the street with a dollar bill in his hand and I knew that he needed something. I had some Lent's 58 in my bag. I immediately took out two bags of nuts and a bar. I'm not sure if I somehow motioned him over or he just knew, but he came toward me. Something tugged me to give him more- so I grabbed two more apples and three muffins instead of one muffin for him. He smiled and motioned me to hold them until he settle himself on the grass where his hands would be free from the walker and so I did. Then I held out my left hand to shake his hand, he took it gladly and kissed it for several seconds long! I watched. I smiled. And then I went back.

My friend almost cried. She was touched by this whole thing. We talked about it and I realized that I didn't really cared. I didn't check on the people around me. I didn't withdraw my hand from him. I didn't feel disgusted about it. All I felt was the compassion for this guy's hunger. All I wanted is for him to feel safe. I wouldn't feel that way few years ago- I would eye around without tilting my chin, hesitate to extend my hand for the kiss and feel the distrust. This moment was pure. I saw his hunger and I extended.

It amazed me how Jesus welcomed this city woman. Evenmore, he defended her and forgave her sins.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lent's 58 in Action

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." -Hebrews 13:2

Today I felt like this verse came into the reality! I just picked up my backpack from U.S. Park Police after checking my cash, food, and supplies in it. I signed at least 5 signatures to claim that there was nothing stolen. Then the police told me that a homeless guy whom I had fed had turned in my backpack. Whoa! Can you imagine that?! If you were a homeless, would you turn in someone's bag without looking in to see if you could steal some cash or even take a $20?

I was blessed with a whole "payback".

Yesterday I went out to Trader Joe's with two ladies and two little boys of few years to intently shop for some Lent's 58 and then strategically walk several miles back home. We shopped 12 muffins, a bag of apples, a handful of Go Raw Trek mix and cereal bars to go with us. We had a hard time walking with two energetic little boys, but when it came to giving out foods they are for it! Can you imagine having two toddlers who are obsessed with "MY! MY!" giving out the foods? They certainly showed their potentials. One of them sat on my shoulder giving out a bag of nuts and a bar when the other gave the apple and the muffin. Oh my, they gave their all.

When we were halfway through our adventure. We stopped to feed the thirsty boys with some drinks and it was when I noticed that my backpack was missing among the bags. I told them to go on as I hunted for my bag. I ran. I acrossed. I looked. I talked with few homeless men, but none was found. I stopped for a while to tell God that it was impossible. I believed that God had led me into this Lent's 58. No way. As I headed home, I praised God for this because I believed that He will bless me two-fold or three-fold for this. I walked expectantly.

At home, I called the bank to report my cards lost. I checked my netbook for the phone number of my other credit card and decided to open my facebook as my call is being on hold. I jumped and shouted when I saw the message. I hang up. I pressed my netbook onto my friends' face, "Hey there. I want to let you know that someone turned your backpack in to the U.S. Park Police..." Awesome! Facebook found me.

God's always for us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pray, Prepare & Perform

"But IF you are led by the Spirit, [then] you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident..." -Galatians 5:18-19a

It's already more than a month since I've recommited myself to the hourly morning prayers. I've been asking God as I prayed- how do I pray, prepare and perform? I wanted to be led by the Spirit not by the flesh. Naturally, I found myself led by my flesh first before I recognized that I was also led by the Spirit. Sometimes the flesh and the Spirit overlap in our prayer. I feel that our preparation and performance often expose us to whether we are being led by the flesh or by the Spirit.

If the Word of encouragement comes, then we shouldn't hesitate to share them. For they do no harm even if they are from our flesh. But if the Word of disapproval comes, then we should think about it long and pray for the wisdom in how we should share it yet not overstepping the fine line.

Paul had written many letters to the Church about how we should love one another. I've found that he encouraged us to Pray for Spiritual Wisdom (as this passage was titled in KJV) as he wrote to the church of Ephesus in Ephesians 1:16-18:

"That's why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and Your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn't stop thanking God for you- every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask- ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory- to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is He is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life He has for His followers, oh, the utter extravagance of His work in us who trust Him- endless energy, boundless strength!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Doing My Father's Work (Testimony)

In "Doing My Father's Work" testimony of of GO! SIGN magazine there's a hearing guy who boldly accepted his call to the Deaf Ministry without any existing deaf people in the church. Dave Perry had decisively prepared the field- without any forecasted rain- because he is the farmer who believed that God will bring forth the rain. May we be encouraged by this testimony to prepare the specific field that God has given us:

I would like to share my testimony of 'Doing My Father's Work.'
About five years ago, my pastor at Kingfisher Church in Gloucester gave a series of sermons on 'Doing God's Work' and 'Getting Out of the Boat'. I felt inspired to ask God to show me what he wanted me to do and I told Him I would be obedient to that.
After praying I felt excited but a bit nervous too- what if He wanted me to do something really scary- or nothing at all! God did speak to me. He told me to learn sign language! This seemed pretty weird as I had not met a deaf person in my life! I said "No way- this can't be right", and ignored it. God told me again to go and learn sign language- again I ignored it. Eventually I felt I had to do as I was told- after all, I had asked Him to tell me what He wanted me to do- so I started a level one BSL course. Unfortunately, after just two work involved travelling and I was missing too many lessons. Over the next couple of years I never lost the sense that it was still what the Lord wanted me to do and that the opportunity would come.
Two years ago my work situation changed and I stopped travelling around the world and guess what? God said "Go and learn sign language". Again I said "No I am too busy." Eventually He made sure I got the message. One evening I was on my way home from church and had to wait at the level crossing. I turned off my engine and glanced to the left. There was a huge billboard, which said, "Learn to sign- enroll on a BSL language course now!" I said "OK, I'll do it!" I completed level one, then went straight on to level two. I have now finished the course and passed the exams.
We don't have any deaf people in our church so I prayed to God again and asked "What do you want me to do now?" Nothing came back.
Two weeks ago I gave my testimony at church and asked for prayer. As a result of that, God said "Training". I thought, "NO! I can't do level three. For one thing, I can't afford it and also, I don't have the time." A few days later a lady in church came up to me and told me she believed God wants me to train other people in the church in basic BSL.
At the moment I am writing a basic BSL training course, aimed at the serving people at our church, to enable them to welcome deaf people, make introductions, ask if they require refreshments and to be able to show them to their seats. I believe that if we show a willingness to do all we can to welcome the deaf community into our church and enable them to enjoy all that we can offer them, then God will bring the people along.
So thank you Lord for giving me a wonderful gift and I pray you will show me how to use it to grow your Kingdom.

I shared this article with the Circlemaker group last Tuesday. After this I pointed it to a guy, Louis Fry, because he is also a Deaf Minsitry leader at Grace Covenant Church in Chinatown who faithfully prepared the field without any existing deaf member or with only one member. He and his wife, Cora, taught ASL and promoted the needs of the Deaf Ministry at the ministry fair at the church when I visited. 'T was awesome!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

When Heaven Invades Earth

"We go through a season where it seems our prayers go unanswered and we stop consulting with Him about our life, we take control back."
-From A New Thing Ministries

I've been reading Heaven Invades on the Earth after getting an encouragment from someone I don't know. My mom was surprised because she also thought of buying it. So she bought it and I loaned it via Kindle. Here's what I highlighted:

"Not everyone liked Smith Wigglesworth. His faith made other people feel uncomfortable. We either become like them or avoid them. We find their lifestyle either contagious or offensive with little neutral ground. Smith is well loved today... but it's only because he's dead. Israel loved their dead prophets too."

"The apostle Paul was driven by the command, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel...' However, when he was ready to preach the gospel in Asia, God said no. What God had said appeared to be in conflict with what God was saying. Paul then prepared to go to Bithynia. Again, God said no. Following this Paul had a dream of a man calling out to him from Macedonia. This was recognized as the will of God, and they went."

"The authority to cast out demons is found in rest. Rest is the climate that faith grows in. It comes out of the peace of God... it is a moving of the heart into a place of surrender... a place of rest."

"If we only have ten minutes to pray we should spend about eight praising God."

"Many who call themselves intercessors live depressed lives. I don't want to minimize the genuine effect of the burden of the Lord that comes upon us when we are praying effectively. It is real and necessary. But an unstable lifestyle has been promoted by those who claim to be intercessors, but have not learned to RELEASE THINGS in prayer. The burden of the Lord takes us somewhere! I learned this the hard way."

"Billy Graham is credited with saying, 'Ninety-five percent of today's church activities would continue if the Holy Spirit were removed from us. In the early Church, ninety-five percent of all her activities would have stopped if the Holy Spirit were removed.' I agree."

"We speak the word, and the Father does the works- miracles!"

"One only needs to look at Moses to realize that sometimes the miraculous only causes our Pharoahs to become more resolved to destroy us when they see power... Power stirred up the zeal of opposition in them... power often causes people to decide what they're for or against. Power removes the middle ground."

"Jesus commanded the most highly trained individuals in the supernatural to ever walk the earth to "wait in Jerusalem for what the Father has promised.'... even though they had experienced His power through their own ministry, they were to wait for DUNAMIS- the ability to perform miracles."

"Before entering, I would pray specifically that the anointing of God would rest upon me and flow through me. I would walk up and down the aisles praying quietly in the Spirit, wanting God to fill the store. One day the owner came to me and said, "Something is different when you come into the store." A door opened that day that gave me many opportunities for future ministry. The anointing upon me equipped me for service."

"A visiting minister recently told us, "The difference between you and me is this: if I pray for a dead person and they are not raised from the dead, I pray for the next dead person too. I don't quit!"

"They applaud fasting and respect those who embrace poverty or endure disease for the sake of personal spirituality. But show them a life filled with joy because of the transforming power of God, and they will not only applaud but will want to be like you."

"But the cross is not self-applied- Jesus did not nail Himself to the cross. Christians who are trapped by this counterfeit are contstantly talking about their weaknesses... This is especially noticeable in prayer meetings where people try to project great brokenness before God, hoping to earn revival. They will often reconfess old sins searching for real humility. [ME ME = pride!]"

"I discover that I was not the Holy Spirit. I cannot convict and deliver myself of sin."

"Tongues of fire were seen on the heads of the apostles on the day of Pentcost. In more modern times, fire has been seen blazing from the top of church buildings when the people of God are gathered together in His name. At the Azuza Street revival, the fire department was called to extinguish a blaze, only to discover that the people inside were worshipping Jesus. Water couldn't put it out as it was not a natural fire."

"Mary stands apart from Zacharias because while being ignorant she surrendered to the promise... we have the choice: to stand in the shoes of Zacharias and lose our voice, or walk in the ways of Mary and invite God to restore us the promises we cannot control."

"Outside of intimacy, we are likely to miss the greatest event on earth."

"The religious leaders said Paul and Silas were of the devil. But a demon-possessed fortune-teller girl said they were of God."

"Sometimes our dearest friends want to put us away, declaring the move to be from the devil. And then there's the fact that we are looked at as a fringe element by the rest of the Body of Christ. The willingness to bear reproach from our brothers and sisters is part of the cost we pay for the move of the Spirit."

"Quenching the Spirit is probably responsible for the end of more revivals than any other single cause. Even those who have embraced the move of God often come to a place where their comfort zone is stretched about as far as they are willing to go. They then begin to look for a place to settle- a place of understanding and control.

"The second greatest reason for a revival's end is when the Church begins to look for the return of the Lord instead of pursuing a greater breakthrough in the Great Commission."

"I believe the desire for the Church to be in heaven now is actually the counterfeit of seeking first the kingdom. There's a difference between crying for heaven now and heaven here! If a revival has brought us to the end of our dreams, does that mean we have reached the end of His? A revival must go beyond all we could imagine."

"Ten days had passed, Pentecost had come, and they were still praying as they did the other nine days. 'And suddenly...' A room with one hundred and twenty people was now filled with...This infant Church hadn't learned enough to try and control God. They hadn't developed biases over acceptable and unacceptable practices. They had no biblical or experiential grid for what was happening."

"The Word doesn't contain God- it reveals Him. Joel 2 revealed the nature of God's work among man. Acts 2 was an illustration of what God intended by that prophecy."

"The Church has an unhealthy addiction to perfection: the kind that makes no allowances for messes... 'Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox.' Messes are necessary for increase."

"Our God-born desire for revival must keep us desperate enough to recognize Him when He comes. Without such desperation, we get satisfied with our present status and become our own worst enemies at changing history."

"Many Christians prefer to work in a Christian business, attend Christian meetings, and isolate themselves from the very people we are left on the planet to touch in His name."

"So much of today's Kingdom theology is focused on us ruling, in the sense of believers becoming the heads of corporations and governments. And, in measure, it is true. But our strong suit has been, and always will be, service. If in serving we get promoted to positions of rulership, we must remember that what got us there, will keep us useful."

"The Hebrew four were promoted as a result of Daniel's prophetic gift. Please note that there is no mention of Daniel operating in this gift before this crisis. Something similar happened to an evangelist friend of mine while still in his youth. He was invited to speak in a church in Canada. When he got off the plane, the pastor met him with a surprised look on his face, saying, "You're not Morris Cerullo!" The Pastor had a great hunger for signs and wonders to be restored to his church, and thought he had booked a week of meetings with Morris Cerullo. The shocked pastor asked the young man if he had a signs and wonders ministry. He answered, "No." The pastor, looking at his watch said, "You've got four hours to get one" and then took him to the hotel. Out of desperation, the young evangelist cried out to God, and God honored his cry. That night was the beginning of the signs and wonders ministry that has marked his life to this day. God orchestrated these circumstances so that both Daniel and this young evangelist would earnestly pursue spiritual gifts."

"Promotion does not go unchallenged. Just when you think you have been placed into a position of influence, something will happen to totally rock your boat."

"Sometimes we are to go against the command of our leaders- but even then, only with submissive hearts."

"Men of lesser character would have rejoiced in God's judgment. Not Daniel. His response to his master was: 'My lord, may the dream concern those who hate you, and its interpretation concern your enemies.' What loyalty! His devotion was not based on the character of his king. It was based on the character of the One who assigned him the position of service. Some would have had an "I told you so" response to their boss if God judged them in the same way. The world has seen our 'holier than thou' attitude, and they're not impressed. It's time they see a loyalty that is not based on genuine goodness. Responses like Daniel's become noticed. They display the kingdom in its purity and power. They are revolutionary."

"God's people must find a heart to see others succeed. Anyone can wish good upon someone who conforms to his or her beliefs and disciplines. But the ability to express loyalty and forgiveness before someone is saved may be the key to touching that individual's heart. Personal integrity is the backbone of all life and ministry, and our credibility is founded on this one thing."

"A ten-year-old asked her mom to take her to the mall so she could find sick people to pray for. Students set up a sign at their table at our local coffee shop. It says, "Free prayer." People not only got prayer, they received a prophetic word that brought them to a greater awareness of God's love."

"Where does life take you? Go there in the anointing and watch the impossibilities bow to the name Jesus."

"The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of power! We must be in pursuit of a fuller demonstration of the Spirit of God. Pray much and take risks."

"On the contrary, it's important to understand God's promise and purpose for the Church so that we might become dissatisfied- so that we will become desperate. Intercession from insatiable hunger moves the heart of God as nothing else can."

"Revival is not for the faint of heart. It brings fear to the complacent because of the risks it requires. The fearful often work against the move of God- sometimes to their death- all the while thinking they are working for Him."

"The addiction to perfection has given place to a religious spirit. People who refuse to step out and be used by God become the critics of those who do. Risk takers, the ones who thrill the heart of God, become the targets of those who never fail because they seldom try."

Monday, February 13, 2012

Weighting Your Spiritual Discipline

My spiritual discipline for this year is to do the morning prayers at the chapel. Five days a week. We also might do three 24 hours of praying and/or fasting this semester. That was challenging enough, isn't it?

That was what I thought even though I still wondered if I could do more. I naturally strive for more and more, I am a long distance runner and I get runner's high. It's the same with the spiritual discipline. There is nothing wrong with that, but I knew that I had to be careful not to get spiritually injured by the excess increase of the spiritual discipline. I think that is what happened to me last summer. I got worn out and I stopped praying in the mornings. My priorities in my spiritual discipline got messed up.

This year I've learned to weight out my spiritual discipline, I hope, to 240 hours of morning prayers at the chapel and nothing more. I've also asked the few to keep me accountable as I keep them accountable. I am serious about it, yet I know that I am feeble. That's where my accountability needs to take place. My other additional spiritual discipline are optional.

Are you staying in your comfort zone despite of your hunger for God? Or are you pushing yourself with off the cliff? Somewhere in the middle are where we are supposed to be. Seeking God.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lent's 58

I love and hate changes! I read "Who Moves My Cheese?" when I was a frosh in high school. I ponder about the changes time to time. Maybe I need to heat up my chair- be steadfast- or leave it cold- do something new-but never let it be warm.

As of now, I am heating up my hills of my God given tasks with my bottom. I believe that God created those specific hills for me. So I had to stay in my nest to take care of my cage free eggs.

I also see a lot of hills that I had to remove my bottom from. For I don't want to be like a woman seated on Rev17:9 mountains. From time to time, God will give me grace to move. Meanwhile, I had to experiment with some goals to see if I am ready to move up as a servant-leader. One of them is the "Lent's 58".

Few months ago I decided to try budgeting my grocercy to $100 a month in order to give away the other half. It was a success except that I hadn't give away the other half because I had no clue on how I could do that. This morning I walked 3.2 miles to Trader Joe's and back. Isaiah 58:7 came into my mind once again, "Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house." It is so simple isn't it? In my path, I saw several homeless people and some OccupyDC protestors at some parks. There are some existing opportunities here!

It doesn't matter if I agree with their lifestyles, but it matters if I cared about mine. Am I generosity or not. Am I challenging myself in my servanthood or not? Am I asking Him for more of His grace or staying comfortable?

Idea- buy bagels and package of cream cheese (1oz) and grab plastic knives as I go on my weekly morning grocercy during the Lent. I could walk 3.2 miles to pray and meditate, shop foodies, and then walk back to give foodies away.I think it's a great way to do the Lent's 58.

Again, it's just an idea and it's up to God to give me grace to do it, well, actually it's up to me to receive His readily given grace.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pray and Pray Forward

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmanent sheweth His handiwork."
-Psalm 19:1

Elizabeth laughed with joy after she headed home from the church after she ended her covenant with God. She had tried to wrestle with God toward the altar to pray by 9AM, but God shouted angrily, "GO BACK HOME!" He had to say it three times until she gave up thinking that she have sinned and then He told her sweetly, "Your three years are up. You have prayed through into my glory." (pg. 59, Dabney, Elizabeth J.)

BUT there's more...

When she came back home, God had anointed her with oil in the scary basement and called her into a Prayer Ministry all over the country. Thus she prayed over many pastors and many revival tents. She even came to DC to pray, with heavy tears on the way. Alot of people were in sympathy with her, but she said nothing. She prayed over Pastor Kelsey who then had nearly 90 converts and they were being baptized in the Potomac River. I believe that it took place nearby 7th St SW and O St SW, probably nearby the Gangplank Marina. Her ministry soared even more as someone wrote about her in the article, tract and even broadcasted her. She almost collapsed when she learned of it because she knew that the attacks would be greater. She never wanted this, but she did it out of her love for God.

Once you started, you cannot turn back. Advancing forward.

I was reading this in Library of Congress and when I paused halfway and hold this "out of print" rare book, I recognized those words engraved on the wall by the ceiling. No way! It was engraved on the wall just like how Elizabeth wrote it, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmanent showeth His handiwork."

I sat back in awe.

Elizabeth wrote, "Prayer is the key to the Lord's heaven door."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Think on These Things

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil 4:8

This morning as I prayed, I was reminded of "guard your heart for it's wellspring of life". So I prayed about how I may filter what may come into my mind and heart and what may come out. One of my answered prayer came into my head. Some of the promised prayers also followed. It encouraged me in praising the Lord, "Hallowed be His name". Then the couple of supplements came into my head as I prayed for them.

Speak to God through Adoration Confession Thanksgiving and Supplication (ACTS).

We often gets strangled with what's going on in our lives. We didn't keep our hearts fixed on Him. We tried to solve many problems on our own. We like to step over the bounds to solve things that we cannot solve. Leave it be- confess that you needed the help and surrender. Then God will lead you through.

"Go out in joy and be led forth in peace" -Isaiah 55:12

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pentcostal Prayer

What is a Pentcostal Prayer? It is a full 10 days of prayer in the same room. To spread it out, it would consist a total of 240 hours of prayer at a specific location. I figured that it would be a total of 48 weeks of 5 days a week hourly prayer commitment.

I started this experiment right after the Bible Reading Marathon at the Captiol on May 2nd at 6-7AM. Somehow this became my routine to get up at around 5AM to get to the Gallaudet chapel for a 6AM prayer. It lasted for about 3 months (6-12 weeks) before I stopped. I recalled that I once got worn out for some reason that I didn't want to walk an half hour to pray.

For the past few weeks, I've been looking through my journal and blogs for any specific prayer answered through this experiment. I was disappointed that I didn't write a prayer journal, so I didn't know when I actually stopped to pray at the chapel- probably sometime in mid-July or August. But I knew what I had prayed about:

(1) I prayed for a new place to live and received it without searching- my landlord informed me of the place. Few hours later, I went to grocercy with a friend and I learned that she didn't find an available apartment so she thought of me when I also thought of her. So we settled to be a roommate.
(2) I prayed for a sublet or two and received two sublets without advertising. A friend called me an hour after I visited the house to inform me about his friend needing a place to stay in July and I roared with this friend. So I signed the lease.
(3) I prayed that the moving will work out without me as I go on a mission trip to Guatemala. A NCCer emailed me about whether I cancelled my trip because I set a farewell party on the day of our departure, which I read at chapel. I apologized and changed the date. But as I prayed, I felt compelled to cancel the trip to be present to move things. I love it when I learned that God wanted me to do the very thing I said no to. Especailly when God replaced it with something better! A month later I learned that I was immediately replaced by a lady who also emailed the leader that she felt compelled to participate this trip and God worked it out for her! Double prayer answered. We bonded.
(4) And more.

It was crazy when I thought about those things. I couldn't deny that those things came from praying at the chapel. I believe that more prayers will come answered this year from the 30-60 hours of prayer in 2011.

I decided to commit to 240 hours of prayer this year at the chapel. This time I will find a prayer partner as someone recommended, "Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another (Prov 27:17)." I'm leading a small group of prayer on Mondays instead of praying alone, but I welcome the others to come on other days as well. I intend to stay in DC throughout the most of the year.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fasting for the Workers

In a parable, Jesus told of the Pharisee who prayed to himself, "God, I thank You that I am not like other men- extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess." That's nuts! Those Pharisees fasted twice a week, which is a total of 104 days out of 365. The narcissists.

If you read futher into the passage, you will see that Jesus had chosen this tax collector because he is humble. He beats his breast and cried, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" It's not about whether we should push ourself, but whether we do it right. It's all about loving God more than ourselves. It's all about loving the people more than ourselves.

Yet, I've learned that the humblest people in the Bible also prayed and fasted often. Jesus told the disciples to increase their faith by praying and fasting after they failed to cast out a demon. David humbled himself by fasting and mourning for his friend or his brother when they were sick. Early Christians, especially Paul, had fasted often to prepare the others for their work- to carry out a commission. I don't know how often they prayed and fasted, but I've also heard of different stories of the people who did.

John Nelson Hyde- "Praying Hyde"
If on any day four people were not converted, Hyde said at night there would be such a weight on his heart he could not eat or sleep until he had prayed through to victory. The number of new converts continually grew.

Be Led Forth in Peace

"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." -Isaiah 55:12

Yesterday Kim Potter shared this "seek the peace and pursue it" (Psalm 34:14) in her article. I felt that the Lord is telling me to be secure in peace by pursuing it fully. Just like how the Lord sent the angels to tell Lots and his family, "Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away."

Isaiah 55 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. In verse 8-9, it explains about how great God is and how His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. We had to (1) submit to His will to experience the best. In verse 10-11, it tells us about how God will bring down the rain and the snow to confirm that (2) His words shall not come empty, but it shall sprouts upon the earth. God is going to take care of the rest. Now God is telling us in verse 12 to (3) go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

Joyce Meyer said, "If you lose your peace, you lose your power."

The last verse basically tells us that (4) God will change everything into good- that is after we go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lift Up Hands

Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:8, "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."

I didn't understand how those several respectable people I knew had lifted up their hands in the church so often without offending anyone. I grew up in a home where my dad used to lift up his hands in order to act holy to stump us intentionally. He would then say something like, "Praise Lord, praise Lord!" It hurts so much that I grew up disliking the idea of lifting up my hands. I even observed that few Christians lift up their hands nearby the faces. Oh my, those persons seem to lose the desire to worship due to whoever stood between them with the hands in their faces. So much for insensitiveness and politeness.

I usually lifted up my hands when everyone else are doing it together- only on a few occassions. It just felt so right because everyone were comfortable with it. Well, that was what I thought. Until a few years ago, I was shocked to find myself lifting up my hands in private a bit often. I love worshipping God, yet I thought that I dislike what I am doing. I guess it is where God had healed my inner wounds. I would lock the door to be sure not to offend anyone unintentionally. After few years of worshipping in private and observing those respectable people lifting up their hands publically, I began to yearn to worship in public when it is proper as I do in private to bless Him.

Last night I attended NCC's Prayer and Praise- the kickoff for the 21 Day Prayer Challenge- which had turned to be one of the best nights in my life. After an hour or so of singing in the church, I finally lifted up my hands in an open space with such length of time . Yet when my hand felt the wind of the people passing me, I moved a bit to the left to give them the room without ceasing to praise Him. Then I realized that its a blessing to be able to bless the Lord yet offend no one. I believe that lifting up our hands is one of our way to love the Lord with all our strength. It felt great to my shoulders ache a bit from worshipping and they even felt uncomfortable in bed all night long.

It's not about whether we offended someone but whether we authentically blessed the Lord. A change in our perspective.

Psalm 134:2, "Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord!"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Into the Jungle

"God, send me into the jungle" had been my prayer since I was nine. I attended Youth With A Mission children's education foundation school with my brother, who is two years older than I am, among 10-12 age group even though I'm one year younger. There was only one interpreter for two of us, so I skipped an age group! There I sat beside my brother to learn about an hero named Bruchko who went through the jungle. A seed of this story was being planted into my nine-years-old brian.

Forwarding six-and-ten years minus few days, I've been praying, "God, send me deeper into the jungle." Over the years, I've understood that God's not going to send me into a dangerous tribal place in Africa or something alike. For God had a thousand idea when I had one. Without a knowing prayer, I prayed metaphorically. And my prayer life has been evolving.

Paul wrote to a group of churches in Galatians, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me... the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Even to those who are culturally or personally different than us.

Far much more.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Is It the Will of God?

"There are so many today who are in Bible schools and seminaries who have a wrong motive for going to a Christian school. Many go as a last resort; it is the only place they can go. They think because the dean of the school accepts them, it is the will of God." -Like A Mighty Wind

This passage convicted me. Few months ago, I've applied for Bethel Seminary. When I learned that the application deadline was only two days away or so, I carnally thought that it must be God's leading. And so I completed everything in time and was mightly proud of myself with some compliments in my way. Time is in my hand. I rushed, holding prayer for later. I even ignorantly crossed a line. To me, everything was great!

Not So! After New Student Orientation, I came back home to find myself heavily lying on my bunk bed. Something was pressing me down. I felt choked. I am all toxicity. I had it, so I got up sometime after midnight to grab my basketball's warm-up jacket and pant to go out for a prayerwalk. Afterward I wearingly lied down on the cast away couch in front of my home to reread a passage on my phone device and pray some more. I half-concluded that it wasn't God's will. It was until a sister shared the same heaviness on the heart that I fully concluded.

Out of our sincere thoughts and feelings, we may deceive ourselves. For as the heavens are higher than the earth. So are His thoughts and feelings higher than our thoughts and feelings.

Some of us are called to the Bible school or seminary and some of us are not.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to the Simplicity

Mel Tari received the message from the Lord, "You have one message for the people in America: that is the need to get back to the simplicity of the Word of God. Not only back to the Bible, but back to the simplicity of the Word."

This statement amazed me as I read Like A Mighty Wind to learn about how the revival occured in the island of Indonesia, which is just south of the two countries I had visited as a child, below Thailand and Philippines. There something strange took place when 200 people gathered together on September 26, 1965 to pray. Like in Acts 2, they spoke in different languages and the police saw that the church was on fire, so he sounded the fire bell. And as the revival goes on, some crazy people began to confess their sins. Even a wife received the word of knowledge and she scolded her husband for his sins, but the Spirit of God came upon him and he confessed. Someone had also ministered to this angry wife so that she also confessed her sins, probably of her scolding! It was hilarious!

It's easy for me to begin analyzing those situations to understand why the revival had occured in this country. "Back to the simplicity" tugged me to stop. It's not about how many books I've had read. It's not about what I've had done. But it's all about forgetting.

"But that night those Presbyterians started to forget the written order and the prayers in front of them and began to pray in the Spirit - at first one by one, and before I knew it, they all began to pray at the same time."