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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homeless' Grateful Kiss

"A woman of the city, who was a sinner,... standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment." -Luke 7:37-38

This afternoon I felt like my character was being tested of what it's like to be washed and kissed in front of everybody. One situation may involve several perspectives. This woman is glad. Jesus felt the compassion. Everyone else rebuked. But what if we shifted the characters in this story- would the Pharisee feel the compassion? Would you? Would I?

I met a friend at Union Station over a coffee this late morning to nuture each other in the Word. After we met, she needed to take the bus and I had a margin between two appointments. So I decided to go with her across a street to wait with her until her bus comes. As we waited, I saw a homeless guy struggled his way across the street with a dollar bill in his hand and I knew that he needed something. I had some Lent's 58 in my bag. I immediately took out two bags of nuts and a bar. I'm not sure if I somehow motioned him over or he just knew, but he came toward me. Something tugged me to give him more- so I grabbed two more apples and three muffins instead of one muffin for him. He smiled and motioned me to hold them until he settle himself on the grass where his hands would be free from the walker and so I did. Then I held out my left hand to shake his hand, he took it gladly and kissed it for several seconds long! I watched. I smiled. And then I went back.

My friend almost cried. She was touched by this whole thing. We talked about it and I realized that I didn't really cared. I didn't check on the people around me. I didn't withdraw my hand from him. I didn't feel disgusted about it. All I felt was the compassion for this guy's hunger. All I wanted is for him to feel safe. I wouldn't feel that way few years ago- I would eye around without tilting my chin, hesitate to extend my hand for the kiss and feel the distrust. This moment was pure. I saw his hunger and I extended.

It amazed me how Jesus welcomed this city woman. Evenmore, he defended her and forgave her sins.

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