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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Doing My Father's Work (Testimony)

In "Doing My Father's Work" testimony of of GO! SIGN magazine there's a hearing guy who boldly accepted his call to the Deaf Ministry without any existing deaf people in the church. Dave Perry had decisively prepared the field- without any forecasted rain- because he is the farmer who believed that God will bring forth the rain. May we be encouraged by this testimony to prepare the specific field that God has given us:

I would like to share my testimony of 'Doing My Father's Work.'
About five years ago, my pastor at Kingfisher Church in Gloucester gave a series of sermons on 'Doing God's Work' and 'Getting Out of the Boat'. I felt inspired to ask God to show me what he wanted me to do and I told Him I would be obedient to that.
After praying I felt excited but a bit nervous too- what if He wanted me to do something really scary- or nothing at all! God did speak to me. He told me to learn sign language! This seemed pretty weird as I had not met a deaf person in my life! I said "No way- this can't be right", and ignored it. God told me again to go and learn sign language- again I ignored it. Eventually I felt I had to do as I was told- after all, I had asked Him to tell me what He wanted me to do- so I started a level one BSL course. Unfortunately, after just two work involved travelling and I was missing too many lessons. Over the next couple of years I never lost the sense that it was still what the Lord wanted me to do and that the opportunity would come.
Two years ago my work situation changed and I stopped travelling around the world and guess what? God said "Go and learn sign language". Again I said "No I am too busy." Eventually He made sure I got the message. One evening I was on my way home from church and had to wait at the level crossing. I turned off my engine and glanced to the left. There was a huge billboard, which said, "Learn to sign- enroll on a BSL language course now!" I said "OK, I'll do it!" I completed level one, then went straight on to level two. I have now finished the course and passed the exams.
We don't have any deaf people in our church so I prayed to God again and asked "What do you want me to do now?" Nothing came back.
Two weeks ago I gave my testimony at church and asked for prayer. As a result of that, God said "Training". I thought, "NO! I can't do level three. For one thing, I can't afford it and also, I don't have the time." A few days later a lady in church came up to me and told me she believed God wants me to train other people in the church in basic BSL.
At the moment I am writing a basic BSL training course, aimed at the serving people at our church, to enable them to welcome deaf people, make introductions, ask if they require refreshments and to be able to show them to their seats. I believe that if we show a willingness to do all we can to welcome the deaf community into our church and enable them to enjoy all that we can offer them, then God will bring the people along.
So thank you Lord for giving me a wonderful gift and I pray you will show me how to use it to grow your Kingdom.

I shared this article with the Circlemaker group last Tuesday. After this I pointed it to a guy, Louis Fry, because he is also a Deaf Minsitry leader at Grace Covenant Church in Chinatown who faithfully prepared the field without any existing deaf member or with only one member. He and his wife, Cora, taught ASL and promoted the needs of the Deaf Ministry at the ministry fair at the church when I visited. 'T was awesome!


  1. Hello Kari, We need more people to learn ASL to set up for Deaf ministry. I don't have real Deaf Ministry in my hometown, because small number of Deaf people lives in. I always prays for Deaf People to come to the right church for the Deaf ministry.

  2. before I forget to add to my blog. you are welcome to look at my blog. smile, David

    1. Thanks David, I agree. =)
      Keep praying- I'm also praying for the deaf people in DC.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
