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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"  -John 9:25

Several months ago, the right end of the couch had became my home office. My laptop was attached to the short cord of Ethernet after its Wi-Fi ceased to function. I was stuck at the spot. That was until I found a perfect free desk abandoned outside for anybody. I rejoiced over this desk and so I begged a roommate to carry it over and we could share the desk to work. She gave up her 15 minutes. The desk was set in the end of the hallway and I borrowed the extended Ethernet cord from another roommate to create a working space. After everything is set, I realized that sharing the desk would cause a crisis- a scheduling problem! So I made the wisest decision by backing out from sharing the desk, "It's my desk and I have less spaces than you do." I reasoned that since my other roommate have a certain shelves/drawer somewhere in the living room and in the hallway and I don't, so I have the right to this space to this desk. Or it was what I thought, eh?

Yesterday I felt the nudging from the Lord to give away the desk. And so I took it outside past midnight and posted it "FREE". That morning I had a regular morning prayers and in middle of this I got a message from a dad of two kids I babysit. He asked me if I could babysit them at a last minute notice because his friend's kids were sick. I accepted the assignment. In few hours, the toddlers were over and the dad liked the desk and took it home! It was a blessing to him. Wow. But I was back to the right end of the couch. It was backward awkward.

Today was a few extra steps backward. My office at home is not limited to the right end of the couch. Due to the change, I took the effort to see if I could fix the problem with the Wi-Fi. I learned that the problem was not a problem, but overlooked. The Wi-Fi switch was simply somehow turned off. I think that's what happen when you have an adorable toddler in the house! And so I switched it on. Voila! It works. Which means I could work on the dining table, on my bunk bed, at Ebenezers Coffeehouse, or wherever Wi-Fi is available. Well I could also go back to the favorite right end of the couch.

The point of the story is that we are sometimes "blind-stuck". We could overlook a small source of the problem which caused us to become stuck. Yet I felt that God used this "blind-stuck" situation to glorify Himself. I don't know if we have sinned, but I know that God had opened our eyes. Our "eyes" are opened because our "ears" are listening.

The blind man in John 9 was listening, spiritually speaking. If not, then let us say "Ephphatha" to listen.