What is the difference between the church and the parachurch? It had been on my mind for few weeks as I struggled with this concept. I googled for some wonderful article about it, but I couldn't find any. It was until I found this article,
"Church and Parachurch: Like families and soccer teams". Let me summarize what I just learned:
Church- It's where the families would come together to do many things such as caring for the elders, caring for the children, to give and receive family love. This ministry will continue a year around long and applies to everyone.
Ex: small church or mega-church
Parachurch- It's where the team would select the genders and ages to do the work for a specific time- just like a season of a soccer team. This ministry may cease for the summer and the winter season.
Ex: Campus Crusade for Christ, Chi Alpha, Youth for Christ, Athlete In Action and etc.
Thus this article strongly encourage the parachurch workers (PCW) to:
(1) Be active and deeply invested members of a LOCAL church, in fact most of the PCW's HR handbook required PCW to be member of a church, which most of us may have overlooked. It also may authorize you the ordinances just as Jesus first gave it to the church.
Stay accountable.(2) Share the vision with the church to help them broaden and enrich the church's vision, yet it will help them to pray for PCW's work. Yet the church may be the place and the support where PCW could locally fall upon whenever the parachurch organization fell apart.
Be the influencer and encourager.(3) Give the opportunity to the people at church to volunteer. Provide the training such as a small group or a Bible study that a PCW may have learned from the parachurch organization, which may bless them and help them to advance the kingdom of God.
Be invested in the Family of God.(4) Set the example by working with the body of Christ, the church. The others will be watching you in how you set the model.
Unity.(5) Maintain the organizational humility- being able to fight against the temptation that you are different than other Christians. Knowing that you are part of the Body not the better.
Humility.Those are the few of main point which I found significant in my searching for the accountability part of developing the strong
Deaf Campus Ministries Connection team.
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