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Friday, December 25, 2009

Authentic History of America in the Capitol!

In first week of Dec in 1800, they had their first meeting in the Capitol after moving their meeting from Philadelphia, and from New York before that. On Dec 4th, the congress decided that the Capitol building would serve as a church building by voting! So this building became the first building to hold the first mega church in the United States in 1800! The House of Representative is designed to hold around 435 people, but there are around 2000 people crammed into this building every week for church! A lot of preachers from all around the country preached there. And first time a woman, Dorothy Ripley, preached there is on 1806! And even the guy named Gallaudet who founded the first and only university for the deaf in District of Columbia preached there! Even had Henry H. Garnet preached there as the first African American in 1865! It stopped in around the late in 19th century for no recorded reason... it simply faded out... US Capitol wasn't only used as a church for their people, but other three churches also use this building as well while they are building up their own churches... so there were a lot of church services going on the same day! Never had seen such an unity as this in the modern church, someday we will! I had seen this type of unity in Alpha conference as all denomination comes together! And in non-denomination or inter-denomination churches as well!

Also there is one room in Capitol that's set aside specificaly for prayer and worship and reading Bible. There is one stain glass window with George Washington kneeling in prayer in that room with 50 states around him and it got Psalm 16:1, "Perserve me O God for in Thee do I put my trust". It is a small prayer room... and the congressmen used to cram in there before they began to vote. Sixty congressmen would get in there and ask God to guide them to vote what He wants them to vote! I feel like it is similar to what IHOP (International House of Prayer) is doing, praying and/or fasting for the full 24/7! You can check it out at

John Quincy Adams make it his practice to read the entire Bible each year! He stayed in Capitol within the different roles/jobs for 50 years of public service and died in the office on Feb 23, 1848! How a devout Christian was he?! John Quincy Adams wrote 9 lengthy letter to his son to instruct him how to get most from reading God's Word. There's book titled, "The Bible Lessons of John Quincy Adams for His Son"... I hope I will be able to find and read this book before NYE! Before I commit myself to reading the entire Bible once in 2010! You can join us, National Community Church, too!

Even more! John Quincy Adams mentored a kid under his wings... and taught him about antislavery as he struggles to make it a success during his years. This kid later grew up to be elected as a President of United States... and he was Abraham Lincoln! So he ended up putting the same plan to end the slavery, as John Quincy Adams had planned, into the office!

Talks about the "Next Generation"!!! You can be part of this by following John Quincy Adams and other Founding Fathers' example, but utmost follow Jesus' example! Read through the entire Bible once a year, join us in prayer and fasting, and take action to stand up for those people in need! Ta-Da!

Note: All of those facts from wallbuilders DVD and online at

-Kari =)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beelzebub- An obstacle

I learned about Beelzebub from "Fasting" book by Jentezen Franklin who preaches at the Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia and a new location in Orange County, California. He and his church fast together for 21 days (some may fast for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, etc) annually starting on January 1st. I was amazed how fasting bring a blessing and deliverance upon the people! This book show a lot of different testimonies about how fasting has helped many people to experience a blessing, a deliverance, and be compelled to do something great and see His work in drawing the souls to Him!

Back to Beelzebub, it is a name for the prince of demons. It also means "Lord of Flies". The fact about how the farmers took care of the flies to protect their crops amazed me! The farmers will need to spray the pesticides over a crop for 40 consecutive days in order to destroy all flies and all of their generation. If a farmer missed a day of pesticides, then that farmer will have to start all over again because the next generation flies will spread out again.

I went through different scriptures of 40 days and it amazes me how signification the number forty is! From what I learned, the number forty represents cleansing and purifying. We know that Jesus fasted for 40 days after being baptized and before He starts to do a lot of miracles and ministers the people. Moses fasted for 40 days twice, one before the Ten Commandment, one after (to forgive the sins of the people). The city of Ninevah, after hearing from Jonah that God will destroy the city within 40 days, they clothed themselves into sackcloth and fasted for 40 days to save the city. Elijah flee (in 1 King 19) in fear and begged Him to let him die, then he received a mercy and a restoration as an Angel came to give him the food he needs before he journeys for 40 days (like fasting). Noah and his family remained on the Ark for 40 days. After the resurrection, Jesus stayed with the people for 40 days before He descends to be with Father.

It is amazing how this number shows a new start such as a new law (10 Commandment), a new land (after the flood), a new city (Ninevah), a new hope (Elijah's journey), a new movement (Jesus descending to send the Holy Spirit), and so on! It is interesting how the concept of destroying the flies match with the scriptures. How destroying the Beelzebub brings a new dawning, a new beginning. And Jesus is the only one who can destroy the Beelzebub in us and in our generation. All we can do is ask Him as we seek Him (Matthew 6).

What is like a Beelzebub that is blocking His blessing into our lives? What is God trying to tell us to change (our bad habits) and/or start something new in 2010?... We all have 9 more days left!

BTW- I learned that fasting helps people to be more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do. Since fasting means taking charge of our flesh's cravings, as in discipline, to allow the Holy Spirit to take over more. And from my one time experience of fasting, it does! It is like getting a brand new set of television without any static

Thursday, December 3, 2009

He answers to what's in our heart

It's amazing how He answers to our needs through our prayer! Our prayer doesn't have to be a clear conversation such as signing, speaking, or writing, but it can be what is in our heart. Sometimes we may ask ourselves, how can we do this or when should we do that? Because our hearts speak to Him for "Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk" 1 Samuel 1:13.

Then God answered her prayer in her heart, "So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the LORD for him." 1 Samuel 1:20. It is amazing how He knows what we desire truly in our hearts and answer!

I have been thinking a lot about how I can support a friend who is trapped in her home due to some situations. Several days ago, she started to read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, and asked me whether I've read it or not and whether I can discuss with her about the book once a while. I love the idea and the opportunity to support her in faith, however I don't have the book! So I start to think, should I find a way to get this book or not?... Viola! Few days later a friend decided to donate me several Christian books since she plans to move to South Africa for a year. I unpacked the books at home after she left, and whoa! Here "The Purpose Driven Life" comes out of the pack! I knew that He has answered my prayer in my heart! So we had the opportunity to go on ooVoo yesterday to discuss about the book in Day 2, and share about our experiences and learn more about Him and His plans for us! HE IS SO AWESOME!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's been 2.5 months of Protege!

Oh yeah! Time flies by already, it's hard to believe that it has been 2.5 months as a deaf ministry Protege already! This week I have been reflecting on what has been done within 2.5 months about a lot of awesome stuff that I had the opportunity to take part here at National Community Church. Here are some wins:

-Shooting some ASL Alpha translation, which is one of the most exciting thing that is happening here at NCC! Here is one of our other Protege's thought about ASL Alpha filming series at
I also enjoy leading an Alpha group at Ebenezers for this semester and enjoy having four young ladies from Gallaudet Unviersity and one Gallaudet graduate coming to Alpha on Mondays, getting to know them better! And we learn a lot from each other as we discuss after the talks on video or live!
I also had the chance to go to an Alpha conference at Orlando, Florida in October to learn more about Alpha and create an awesome networking! I will submit a short testimony about ASL Alpha to, my testimony is 3 minutes in length, it may show up in this website at the bottom right. I was amazed at this opportunity to share more about this video in ASL, we have been talking about uploading this video to this website to allow the deaf user to download the video to be able to use Alpha in their group in worldwide in ASL! Our goal is to share and enable the people out there to lead the people to Christ! So far, we finished four sessions out of fifteen sessions! Those four sessions are: "Is there More to Life than This?" at Chinatown, "Why Did Jesus Die?" at Arlington Cemetry, "How Can We Have Faith?" at Gravely Point near DCA airport, and "How Does God Guide Us?" nearby a train station.

-Planning a 5K run called Java Jog for Feb 20 to donate $$ to help the missionaries, the Barlows, at Nicaragra to build a coffeehouse, and we will go to Nicaragua on our mission trip as well on March 15-19, more info at We have about 20 people or so that are committed to go, a combination of hearing and deaf people! It matches with Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, [hearing nor deaf] for you are all one in Christ Jesus". I am really excited about this mission trip, as we will work together to donate our muscles, our strength to love the Lord (Mark 12:30), to build the coffeehouse!

-Connecting with other deaf ministries and churches. We have been meeting every other Wednesday at Gallaudet University for lunches to talk about how we can work together to reach one of our biggest dream, to reach Gallaudet students. We called it DMNC, Deaf Ministry Network Connection.
I also start to connect with other Christians outside of NCC, such as Signs of Worship coordinator, Nyack College administrator (the small campus Christian college in DC nearby Union Station), Gallaudet professors, Gallaudet students, and other people to see how we can work together in different areas of the outreach, to work together as in One Body of Christ! To abandon our ministry identity and focus on the greater need of the city! Talk about simplicity!

-Learning a lot about how National Community Church runs! I went to a Staff Planning Retreat at Inner Harbor Baltimore, MD with all staff and had two days long of meetings. I have seen how they shared their creativity, how the system works here with Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and Stewardship Team (ST), and the bylaws, and etc! I also learn how they plan the sermons, budget, reports, etc. I had the hand-on experience myself as I plan the Deaf Ministry report that include the budget plan and the year-around goals! It was awesome! I also had the chance to grab my free time to run around the Inner Harbor toward the historically place called Fort McHenry, It was cool to have a short thoughts there! I realized that I ran 6 miles in total on that day after a month or two of no run! Oh yeah, I had a soreness in my thighs after the run, but I was carefully to not be that obvious when I limp a tiny weenie bit, ha!

-Reading several Protege books such as "Stength Finder 2.0" by Tom Rath (my strengths are: restorative, individualization, achiever, activator, and self-assurance), "Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley, "Simple Church" by Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger, and "The Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer (am currently reading this). I also read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan from Jason Yost, my mentor. He assigned me this awesome book to prepare me to listen to those speaker at Catalyst Conference at Atlanta, GA. It was a wonderful conference where Andy Stanley and Francis Chan speaked. I have benefited a lot from this conference personally, two of those message that I will keep in mind are: "Leaders never leave the place that God has called them to, until God tells them to leave" and "Leaders in the office must be honest to each other instead of keeping things to themselves and blow-up or waste their time struggling, but to get it out and be honest with each other to create the best environment out of the office to make their time in office worthwhile!". That's what we, the leaders, all need to remember!
Here is the video clip of Catalyst at (find me at 0:59!)

-Starting to study some Bible courses through ISOM,, using the DVDs and workbook that I just received this morning! I am so excited to learn more about Him through those courses!

In all, I feel like my personal growth had soared within those few months, including the few months before I come into Protege! As Thanksgiving nears, I feel like I should start this blog to be able to share the updates with my friends, especially my sponsors. How grateful I am to be able to do this with your support!

Kari =)