I learned about Beelzebub from "Fasting" book by Jentezen Franklin who preaches at the Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia and a new location in Orange County, California. He and his church fast together for 21 days (some may fast for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, etc) annually starting on January 1st. I was amazed how fasting bring a blessing and deliverance upon the people! This book show a lot of different testimonies about how fasting has helped many people to experience a blessing, a deliverance, and be compelled to do something great and see His work in drawing the souls to Him!
Back to Beelzebub, it is a name for the prince of demons. It also means "Lord of Flies". The fact about how the farmers took care of the flies to protect their crops amazed me! The farmers will need to spray the pesticides over a crop for 40 consecutive days in order to destroy all flies and all of their generation. If a farmer missed a day of pesticides, then that farmer will have to start all over again because the next generation flies will spread out again.
I went through different scriptures of 40 days and it amazes me how signification the number forty is! From what I learned, the number forty represents cleansing and purifying. We know that Jesus fasted for 40 days after being baptized and before He starts to do a lot of miracles and ministers the people. Moses fasted for 40 days twice, one before the Ten Commandment, one after (to forgive the sins of the people). The city of Ninevah, after hearing from Jonah that God will destroy the city within 40 days, they clothed themselves into sackcloth and fasted for 40 days to save the city. Elijah flee (in 1 King 19) in fear and begged Him to let him die, then he received a mercy and a restoration as an Angel came to give him the food he needs before he journeys for 40 days (like fasting). Noah and his family remained on the Ark for 40 days. After the resurrection, Jesus stayed with the people for 40 days before He descends to be with Father.
It is amazing how this number shows a new start such as a new law (10 Commandment), a new land (after the flood), a new city (Ninevah), a new hope (Elijah's journey), a new movement (Jesus descending to send the Holy Spirit), and so on! It is interesting how the concept of destroying the flies match with the scriptures. How destroying the Beelzebub brings a new dawning, a new beginning. And Jesus is the only one who can destroy the Beelzebub in us and in our generation. All we can do is ask Him as we seek Him (Matthew 6).
What is like a Beelzebub that is blocking His blessing into our lives? What is God trying to tell us to change (our bad habits) and/or start something new in 2010?... We all have 9 more days left!
BTW- I learned that fasting helps people to be more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do. Since fasting means taking charge of our flesh's cravings, as in discipline, to allow the Holy Spirit to take over more. And from my one time experience of fasting, it does! It is like getting a brand new set of television without any static
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