My eyes glued to those figures who acted in audacious faith within the set of DVDs all the morning! John Wycliffe, Martin Luther and William Tyndale boldly challenged the Church of England according to the Scriptures even in the face of death penalty, which later enabled all of us to read our own Bible today! Now we are able to learn from God's people how we may live boldly even in the midst of wolves.
Jesus' said to the appointed seventy-two, "Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road." Today, Jesus says to us, "Go and find your extraordinary path; behold, I am sending you to be the light to the dark world. Don't limit yourselves to financial, resources, supports, or abilities. But act in audacious faith."
God may send us who lack financial, resources, supports, or abilities to show those wolves that God can turn His lambs into His lions! God wants to use His ordinary children to boast about His grace when He made them extraordinary. Steven Furtick wrote Sun Stand Still to show us that "even on the day of the sun stood still, an ordinary event paved the way for an extraordinary victory:
-God may allow you to receive a negative report from the doctor. ORDINARY. But you trust Him in a way that causes all your close friends to see Christ clearly through your response. EXTRAORDINARY.
-God may call you to serve as an unsung youth pastor of fifteen kids, leading meetings in a moldly basement, with an Atari for entertainment. ORDINARY. But he may also be providing you with the opportunity to pour your life into one of those teenagers who will go on to preach the gospel in a thousand places you'll never go. EXTRAORDINARY.
-God may lead you to stay at home with your young children, forfeiting a second income. ORDINARY. But along with diapers, dishes, and naps, you receive the gift of time- to model discipline, instill values, and speak life into your kids. They could grow up to be Joshuas in their own generation. EXTRAORDINARY.
-God may have placed you in a line of work that seems to have no eternal value and provides very little in the way of personal fulfillment. ORDINARY. But he knows you're the only Christian witness many of your co-workers and clients will ever meet. They'll observe what God looks like as you labor with excellence and integrity every day. EXTRAORDINARY."
Let us believe like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and William Tyndale that God may turn our ordinary event into an extraordinary event.
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