In the first month, the first day of month, Noah finally behold, the face of the ground was dry! Yet he did not come out of the ark! He had to wait for 57 more days until the Lord said to him, "Go out from the ark" and he went out with his wife and every other couples, human and non-human animals, so that they may swarm on the earth and multiply.
57 more days! 1368 more hours! 4.9 x 10^6 more seconds!
One couldn't describe those dreaded 57 days of silence. Noah waited. Silence. Human animals waited. Silence. Non-human animals waited. Silence. Then Noah heard the Lord say, "Go out". Noah called everyone, "We all go out". Every living thing came out. They multiplied. They filled the earth through every "seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, that shall not cease".
Why did Noah wait? Did the Lord told Noah to wait for His direction? Maybe. Did Noah even thought about getting out of the ark when the dove didn't return as a sign that he may come out? Maybe. Did Noah know that by claiming that he may see the dry ground, he is blind? Maybe.
In John 9:39 Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind."
I love this! Noah saw the dry ground. He didn't budge! As if he didn't see. Then the Lord spoke. And he moved as if he finally glimpsed the dry ground. Noah didn't see with his own eyes, but with the Lord's eyes.
Lord, help us not to budge in where we are now as we wait for your next direction. Amen.
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