"The voice of a great multitude like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, 'Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure'" -Rev 19
With a missing sense, a Deaf person increased other remaining senses. Therefore sight, touch, smell, and taste increased. In fact, there's a study where it was seen that the auditory pathways in the brain rewired to the visual. In the same way, it was seen that the blind people's visual pathways were rewired to the auditory and the remaining senses. Thus, our brains were rewired to worship God in an unique way! Unique voice within a great multitude. Of many waters or of might peals of thunder.
As a deaf worshipper in a megachurch, I found it hilarious that some people might think that my lipreading skills have been improving! It's partly true. However most of them overlooked the fact that my brain were rewired to other senses to absorb the cultivating worshipping environment and experiences. Without the auditory, I had to look at several details within the environments such as:
-Lead worshippers' lips
-Other few singers' lips (whenever the leader stopped singing), I often messed up when the leader stopped to sing. It took me a long time to realized that I have to survey other singers' lips to be sure that the song had ceased.
-Slideshows on the television screen, I can only lipread few words or whenever the singer will move their lips clearly and big. I hugely depend on the screen to provide me the correct words. Sometimes I will sign the several words before I realized that the production team clicked on the wrong slideshow, forcing me to throw a glance over my shoulder at an interpreter to see where I had sidetracked. Then I will finish the wrong line before jumping back into the band.
-Platform floor's vibration, it's where my sense of touch had increased. The size of my signing and the space of my movement paralleled to how much I felt the vibration. The more I feel it, the more I sway my body and sign bigger naturally without thinking. To dance along with the music.
-The volume of the music, I have some auditory. Whenever they turned their volume up, I could hear some words and music instruments. Sometimes I learned to distinguish the difference between some sounds such as hearing "Glory to God" three times, my favorite! Knowing that they will repeat the phase, I could let my sight and touch senses to relax as I rely on my hearing.
-ASL interpreter, I sometimes lost my focus after my brain have been rewiring to different sense according to different needs within the worshipping experience at the moment. My last choice was to relax my eyes on ASL interpreter in front of me to retrace my focus. After that, I get back up and strive again! Once a while, our lead worshipper would add something so I shifted my body to face the interpreter, stopping my swaying, to copy the interpreter or reinterpret.
Whoa! There are several details that a Deaf worshipper will need to look into for a 15-30 minutes of worshipping! Just like how God heard a great multitude of voice like the roar of many waters and the sound of mighty peals of thunder. All of those details weaved into an image of His bride made herself ready.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Life-Long Illuminations (Rev 10-12)
I love how God's working in and through us daily! His revelations are life-long illuminations. John received the revelations. We received His revelations through the book of Revelation. Some revelations are clear and proceeding, some aren't and some are being withheld.
John was about to write the revelation as he had done. But this time the angel told John "Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down." It was to be kept until the due time. God probably wanted John to seal it up until we all shall meet John in His kingdom to hear about what he had sealed up. We are here to be part of His-story. His life-long story. The book of Revelation are proceeding just like how a twelve years old girl processed her dream throughout her life.
A waking twelve years old girl saw an unfamiliar light. She got up from her bed to see what it was. She encountered her father, who's also exploring. Suddenly, the light disappeared! We looked around us to see where the light may come from. We weren't wearing any watches. Nothing came from the windows. Where else would the light come from. There's no physic comprehension of this 9-in illuminating circle moving and disappearing.
Twelve hours later, the father asked the girl, "Did you dream about something last night?" She told him about her dream. And he shared his. In some ways, their dream had some connections although their dreams are located in absolutely different places and settings. Both dreams included the mother carrying the grocery.
With no illumination. We both cased our dreams out. Seven years later, that girl grew up into a young Gallaudetian. Her dream reappeared in her first college year. She began to question the interpretation of her dream. What does the dream meant? Why am I here at Gallaudet? Why am I the only one person who is away from her family. The situation is very similiar to what the father and the girl had dreamed about. Her father included the mother, the brother and himself in his dream while her dream included only herself until her mother appeared only to rush herself into the cabin, leaving her daughter alone on the fort tree.
Four years later, with partly illumination, she tossed and turned in her bed for two nights on Easter weekend. She felt God calling her out of something. She resisted and questioned this. Did it truly come from God? She did it anyway. Then someone suggested a program. She googled it up. No. She once interned at Deaf Missions for eight weeks. That was enough. Yet another night of tossing and turning. She surfed into the site once again. Oh that's it! She applied.
Several weeks later, she and her girlfriends drove the car. She looked up from her deep thoughts and exclaimed. The "Protege" Car was in her face. Her friend took out her camera and missed the shot. We hunted the car until I finally captured it. We were one second to the failure as we stopped at the red light to allow the car escape from us. She held the captured frame in her hand. She later set it as her desktop to remind her of this unexpected divine encounter. The word, Protege, struck her head. What does it mean? She looked it up, "one who is protected or trained or whose career is futhered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence". She thought that it just sounded like a tree house. Way cool!
One year later, she realized that the dream is still proceeding. Still defining. Still illuminating.
John was about to write the revelation as he had done. But this time the angel told John "Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down." It was to be kept until the due time. God probably wanted John to seal it up until we all shall meet John in His kingdom to hear about what he had sealed up. We are here to be part of His-story. His life-long story. The book of Revelation are proceeding just like how a twelve years old girl processed her dream throughout her life.
A waking twelve years old girl saw an unfamiliar light. She got up from her bed to see what it was. She encountered her father, who's also exploring. Suddenly, the light disappeared! We looked around us to see where the light may come from. We weren't wearing any watches. Nothing came from the windows. Where else would the light come from. There's no physic comprehension of this 9-in illuminating circle moving and disappearing.
Twelve hours later, the father asked the girl, "Did you dream about something last night?" She told him about her dream. And he shared his. In some ways, their dream had some connections although their dreams are located in absolutely different places and settings. Both dreams included the mother carrying the grocery.
With no illumination. We both cased our dreams out. Seven years later, that girl grew up into a young Gallaudetian. Her dream reappeared in her first college year. She began to question the interpretation of her dream. What does the dream meant? Why am I here at Gallaudet? Why am I the only one person who is away from her family. The situation is very similiar to what the father and the girl had dreamed about. Her father included the mother, the brother and himself in his dream while her dream included only herself until her mother appeared only to rush herself into the cabin, leaving her daughter alone on the fort tree.
Four years later, with partly illumination, she tossed and turned in her bed for two nights on Easter weekend. She felt God calling her out of something. She resisted and questioned this. Did it truly come from God? She did it anyway. Then someone suggested a program. She googled it up. No. She once interned at Deaf Missions for eight weeks. That was enough. Yet another night of tossing and turning. She surfed into the site once again. Oh that's it! She applied.
Several weeks later, she and her girlfriends drove the car. She looked up from her deep thoughts and exclaimed. The "Protege" Car was in her face. Her friend took out her camera and missed the shot. We hunted the car until I finally captured it. We were one second to the failure as we stopped at the red light to allow the car escape from us. She held the captured frame in her hand. She later set it as her desktop to remind her of this unexpected divine encounter. The word, Protege, struck her head. What does it mean? She looked it up, "one who is protected or trained or whose career is futhered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence". She thought that it just sounded like a tree house. Way cool!
One year later, she realized that the dream is still proceeding. Still defining. Still illuminating.
The book of Revelation is still proceeding. Twelve hours. Seven years. Four years. Several weeks. One year. It doesn't matter how long it takes us to illuminate every areas of the book. But we shall receive the luminous flux per page, or per iota and dot, throughout our life.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Get Up & Get Back! (Rev 1-3)
"You have abadoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent."
Get up!
Some of us may undergo the cloud of confusion, we didn't know why and how we got into this. We felt trapped. Darkness closes in. We cried. Silence. We prayed. Nothing. We squirmed. We were full of questions. Why? Why?
The answer lies in our memory. We cried to our God because we experienced that true Love once. But we forgot to pick up our mat and get up to walk. We cannot linger there anymore. Because the light have been dimmed within you. Leave this place before the light will be fully gone, removed. Leave.
Get back!
Where will we go? We got to trace our way back to the Primal Love. Ask ourselves this question: When did our light within us began to dim? What was the cause?
Once we discovered the answers, we shall repent. To repent is to be conscience-striken about our past action and change one's life for the better.
Lord, please open our eyes and lit up lights in each of us, your ambassadors. Amen.
Get up!
Some of us may undergo the cloud of confusion, we didn't know why and how we got into this. We felt trapped. Darkness closes in. We cried. Silence. We prayed. Nothing. We squirmed. We were full of questions. Why? Why?
The answer lies in our memory. We cried to our God because we experienced that true Love once. But we forgot to pick up our mat and get up to walk. We cannot linger there anymore. Because the light have been dimmed within you. Leave this place before the light will be fully gone, removed. Leave.
Get back!
Where will we go? We got to trace our way back to the Primal Love. Ask ourselves this question: When did our light within us began to dim? What was the cause?
Once we discovered the answers, we shall repent. To repent is to be conscience-striken about our past action and change one's life for the better.
Lord, please open our eyes and lit up lights in each of us, your ambassadors. Amen.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
A Pang of Loneliness
A pang of loneliness tangled me a day ago. It lasted for several minutes. While it lasted, I wondered if I should take a walk or call someone to talk. Somehow those options didn't satisfy me. Am I supposed to stay through the pang of loneliness and fight against it? What caused this experience to occur?
While I was sorting this out, a dawn came to me. I realized that I have forgotten how to worship the Lord in an intimate way in the midst of comfort. I decided to stop everything and shut the door and my laptop to make myself even lonelier and shut-in. In creating the loneliest atmosphere I felt like I worshipped into the heaven's gateway. Thereafter, I felt recharged and dumb. I had a full weekend in DC. I had a friend who's coming within a few hours to stay at our place for a night. Yet I felt a pang of loneliness.
A pang of loneliness was created when broken or unstable relationship, dysfunctional of communication, or unfamiliar surroundings existed. It's a nature. We are created in His image. Therefore, we are inclined to hunger after Him. Loneliness may be a sign of our hunger. We may either chase after unlastingly satisfication through the people and the things, or we could chase after God, the eternal.
David was lonely. He shut himself into the cave of Adullam. But it wasn't over! "And when his brothers and all his father's house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was bitter in soul, gathered to him. And he became captain over them. And there were with him about four hundred men."
I love this! Those people who were distressed, in debt, and discontented responded when they heard about David's loneliness. We often mistakenly shut in spiritually. In other word, don't be numb. As the Body of Christ, we need to be open so that we won't lose the touch of sense for the others who may be crying out for care, pray, touch, or read verses together. In our openness, we shall edify each other.
Shut-in physically to go to the Lord foremost, and then be open to talk about it!
While I was sorting this out, a dawn came to me. I realized that I have forgotten how to worship the Lord in an intimate way in the midst of comfort. I decided to stop everything and shut the door and my laptop to make myself even lonelier and shut-in. In creating the loneliest atmosphere I felt like I worshipped into the heaven's gateway. Thereafter, I felt recharged and dumb. I had a full weekend in DC. I had a friend who's coming within a few hours to stay at our place for a night. Yet I felt a pang of loneliness.
A pang of loneliness was created when broken or unstable relationship, dysfunctional of communication, or unfamiliar surroundings existed. It's a nature. We are created in His image. Therefore, we are inclined to hunger after Him. Loneliness may be a sign of our hunger. We may either chase after unlastingly satisfication through the people and the things, or we could chase after God, the eternal.
David was lonely. He shut himself into the cave of Adullam. But it wasn't over! "And when his brothers and all his father's house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was bitter in soul, gathered to him. And he became captain over them. And there were with him about four hundred men."
I love this! Those people who were distressed, in debt, and discontented responded when they heard about David's loneliness. We often mistakenly shut in spiritually. In other word, don't be numb. As the Body of Christ, we need to be open so that we won't lose the touch of sense for the others who may be crying out for care, pray, touch, or read verses together. In our openness, we shall edify each other.
Shut-in physically to go to the Lord foremost, and then be open to talk about it!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Father-in-law's Ultimate Advice (Ex 16-18)
I love the reunions! I visited my mother's side in Minnesota after 14 long years last year! I met my youth group buddy two weeks ago in California after the lengthy 6 years! I came back to DC, my home, after 4-ever weeks to see my DC Spiritual Family once again! Reunion moments with the extraordinary people are precious! Moses met his father-in-law who came with Moses' wife and two sons and they reunited.
Jethro is a fine father-in-law, as a man could want. He brought Moses' family to have a warm reunion together. He even paid for a nice dinner! Evermore, he gave Moses a ultimate advice that helped him not to "do it all" and start to delegate, which prepared him for Mt. Sinai. It's where God brought Israel closer to Himself through Moses!
Let us look at few pointers:
-"You will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone."
Two independent horses cannot carry 3,000 lbs. One can carry 700 lbs and another can carry 800 lbs. Both can carry 1,500 lbs, but when they worked together they can carry 3,000 lbs! Golden rule: we cannot try to do everything for everyone alone!
-"Morever, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe."
Did we catch this 'look for able men FROM all the people'? It means that we should look for someone who's already part of the group, of the company, or of the church rather than looking hard for someone outside the cave. So that we may discern their characters. If none are able, then we wait on Him as we pray, don't push.
-"Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves."
Each leaders/children/volunteers have their own unique gifts. Let them use their gifts to do their parts, but when it comes to the decision that may impact everyone they shall come to you.
-"If you do this, God will direct you."
If you delegate and trust them, then you shall hear His voice better. Elijah discerned God's low whisper among the earthquake, the fire and the wind when he stood on the mountain alone!
Jethro is a fine father-in-law, as a man could want. He brought Moses' family to have a warm reunion together. He even paid for a nice dinner! Evermore, he gave Moses a ultimate advice that helped him not to "do it all" and start to delegate, which prepared him for Mt. Sinai. It's where God brought Israel closer to Himself through Moses!
Let us look at few pointers:
-"You will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone."
Two independent horses cannot carry 3,000 lbs. One can carry 700 lbs and another can carry 800 lbs. Both can carry 1,500 lbs, but when they worked together they can carry 3,000 lbs! Golden rule: we cannot try to do everything for everyone alone!
-"Morever, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe."
Did we catch this 'look for able men FROM all the people'? It means that we should look for someone who's already part of the group, of the company, or of the church rather than looking hard for someone outside the cave. So that we may discern their characters. If none are able, then we wait on Him as we pray, don't push.
-"Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves."
Each leaders/children/volunteers have their own unique gifts. Let them use their gifts to do their parts, but when it comes to the decision that may impact everyone they shall come to you.
-"If you do this, God will direct you."
If you delegate and trust them, then you shall hear His voice better. Elijah discerned God's low whisper among the earthquake, the fire and the wind when he stood on the mountain alone!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Three Special Restorations (Ex 13-15)
Moses leads exodus from Egypt. 1500 years later, Mary and Joseph carried the baby Jesus out of Egypt to fulfill the prophet, "Out of Egypt I called my son." And 1500 years later, Luther led the religious breakthough by posting his 95 Thesis so that the structural church, the Dark Age, may enter into the spiritual church, the Body of Christ. I love those 1500 years span! Each 1500 years had a special purposes in the Body of Christ. Moses began the Law & Covenant. Jesus began the salvation & grace. Luther began the progress of perfection as the Body of Christ.
But those restorations came with a lot of resistance. A lot of those people said, "Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians [the bondage]". They preferred to stay comfortable. They hated the change. They despise the trail. "For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness." Mental errors here.
Moses responded, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
Lord, help us to prepare our heart to advance forward even in discomfort. So that we may experience the breakthrough, the next level of restoration in the Body of Christ. Amen.
But those restorations came with a lot of resistance. A lot of those people said, "Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians [the bondage]". They preferred to stay comfortable. They hated the change. They despise the trail. "For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness." Mental errors here.
Moses responded, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
Lord, help us to prepare our heart to advance forward even in discomfort. So that we may experience the breakthrough, the next level of restoration in the Body of Christ. Amen.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Go into the Unknown (Ex. 1-3)
I'm a huge fan of the unknown! Expect the unexpected is one of NCC's twelve core values that are part of the DNA of National Community Church. I often felt better knowing that someone else also went into the unknown places, expecting the unexpected. Moses was someone who faced something unexpected and radiant! The burning bush!
Moses grew up in Egyptian's palace. Suddenly, one day he decided to kill an Egyptian for a Hebrew. He fled from Pharaoh into the unknown place. He sat down by a well in the land of Midian. He didn't know anyone there. He didn't know the place. He failed. What a loser!
God saw that the well-intended murderer was where he was supposed to be. Moses might've thought that he failed. He came from the almost everythingness into the nothingness. But in the dictionary, heavens' edition, everythingness without obedience is nothing. In the nothingness, God shaped Moses, away from his homeland, for the radiant obedience! Later, God sent Moses to lead Israelities out of Egypt into the wilderness, the unknown.
In the 'By Faith' hall of fame, the name of Abraham appeared. Under his name you will read, "By faith Abraham obeyed... And he went out, not knowing where he was going... by faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land [as in the known land], living in tents..." Hebrews 11:8-9. Like Moses, he went out into the unknown. But seventy-five years old Abram left his home out of obedience.
Actually, based on the Jewish history of Abram, Abram lived in a hidden cave where he watched the sun, the moon and the stars coming and going until he was 10 years old; he believed the Lord. Then he went to live with Noah and Shem for many years before he confronted his father, Terah. He destroyed the gods, causing the troubles. God preserved Abram. And then God sent him out.
It's amazing how both Moses and Abram had to live in the unknown before they became the godly men! Uncertain? Worried? Lonely? Let us tell ourselves, "Oh heck, God's taking care of us all!" Let us meditate upon His words day and night to strengthen ourselves for our mini-unknown adventure! Channel our minds onto the right things, onto His words. Just one more hour. Just a bit more!
Moses grew up in Egyptian's palace. Suddenly, one day he decided to kill an Egyptian for a Hebrew. He fled from Pharaoh into the unknown place. He sat down by a well in the land of Midian. He didn't know anyone there. He didn't know the place. He failed. What a loser!
God saw that the well-intended murderer was where he was supposed to be. Moses might've thought that he failed. He came from the almost everythingness into the nothingness. But in the dictionary, heavens' edition, everythingness without obedience is nothing. In the nothingness, God shaped Moses, away from his homeland, for the radiant obedience! Later, God sent Moses to lead Israelities out of Egypt into the wilderness, the unknown.
In the 'By Faith' hall of fame, the name of Abraham appeared. Under his name you will read, "By faith Abraham obeyed... And he went out, not knowing where he was going... by faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land [as in the known land], living in tents..." Hebrews 11:8-9. Like Moses, he went out into the unknown. But seventy-five years old Abram left his home out of obedience.
Actually, based on the Jewish history of Abram, Abram lived in a hidden cave where he watched the sun, the moon and the stars coming and going until he was 10 years old; he believed the Lord. Then he went to live with Noah and Shem for many years before he confronted his father, Terah. He destroyed the gods, causing the troubles. God preserved Abram. And then God sent him out.
It's amazing how both Moses and Abram had to live in the unknown before they became the godly men! Uncertain? Worried? Lonely? Let us tell ourselves, "Oh heck, God's taking care of us all!" Let us meditate upon His words day and night to strengthen ourselves for our mini-unknown adventure! Channel our minds onto the right things, onto His words. Just one more hour. Just a bit more!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Impact of Weak-Eyed Leah (Gen 33-36)
I've been frantically looking for a record of Leah's death. There must be a database trigger error in the death of Rachel and Isaac. Genesis 35 database didn't tell us about Leah's death like how Jasher 41 database did! Jasher 41 tells us that Leah died when she was fifty-one years old in Hebron as they dwelt with their father Isaac. If you read Genesis 37:2 carefully, you will find that Jacob is left with two wives, Bilhah and Zilpah. Therefore, Leah must have died somewhere before Genesis 37. For more discoveries, I goggled for the biblical online obituaries of Leah's death records. Maybe it would be helpful if I knew Leah's last name. But all I found is, "There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. There they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah" (Genesis 49:31).
If you read carefully, God's favor is upon weak-eyed Leah. Leah conceived 6 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zeubelun; Rachel conceived only two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. Leah was buried among Jacob's family; Rachel was buried in Bethelem. And through the unlikely seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Leah the Redeemer came!
Why Leah?
Leah was unlovely and unloved. Leah was rejected by Jacob for he so loved Rachel. But God chose Leah because, in her weakness, she best represent Israel as the least of all people (Deut 7:6-8). Rachel may be beautiful, but she may be spiritually unproductive for she stole the gods from her father, Laban, and hid it. I don't know if she held them until she breathed her last. God's favor on Leah showed us all that it's not about our external beauty, but rather God's eternal blessing that brings us true-present and lasting fulfillment.
If you read carefully, God's favor is upon weak-eyed Leah. Leah conceived 6 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zeubelun; Rachel conceived only two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. Leah was buried among Jacob's family; Rachel was buried in Bethelem. And through the unlikely seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Leah the Redeemer came!
Why Leah?
Leah was unlovely and unloved. Leah was rejected by Jacob for he so loved Rachel. But God chose Leah because, in her weakness, she best represent Israel as the least of all people (Deut 7:6-8). Rachel may be beautiful, but she may be spiritually unproductive for she stole the gods from her father, Laban, and hid it. I don't know if she held them until she breathed her last. God's favor on Leah showed us all that it's not about our external beauty, but rather God's eternal blessing that brings us true-present and lasting fulfillment.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year Resolution: Fasting
My New Year Resolution hibernates for five more days. This year I've decided to follow Awakening for 21 days of fasting. It could be 7 days of water fast, followed by 7 days of liquid (juices), and 7 days of Daniel fast. Or 21 days of Daniel fast. Or 21 days of liquid fast.
How does fasting benefits us?
1. Fasting is one of the greatest way to change the lifestyle. It's an effective way to overcome the addicition to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, other recreational drugs, salt, sugar, and other stimulants. In fact, after water or liquid fast, spinach without dressing will seem sweet to us and we will marvel at how refreshing apples are. I just learned that a water fast will help the people to detoxify and heal quicker than a liquid fast because the fat is reserved for the energy, therefore a water fast force our body to burn up our body fat, getting rid of addictive toxins within us. So that we may enjoy simplier and healthier food afterward!
2. Fasting is one of biblical way, based on Matthew 6 guideline for giving, praying and fasting, to seek the Lord. Isaiah 58 warns us that the Lord shall not answer to those who fast while exploiting all workers, quarreling and strife others, or showing false-humility. If we did it out of true passion, then God shall bring the light forth in us. All of us may go through a winter season of faith, the disciples asked Jesus, "Why couldn't we cast demon out?" when they failed to do so. Jesus responded, "This kind never comes out except by prayer and fasting." -Matthew 17:21 and Mark 9:29.
I'm excited about what God's going to do in 2011 after seeing the long-proceeding results of 2010 fast!
"Where there's no prophetic vision, the people perish" -Prov 29:18
How does fasting benefits us?
1. Fasting is one of the greatest way to change the lifestyle. It's an effective way to overcome the addicition to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, other recreational drugs, salt, sugar, and other stimulants. In fact, after water or liquid fast, spinach without dressing will seem sweet to us and we will marvel at how refreshing apples are. I just learned that a water fast will help the people to detoxify and heal quicker than a liquid fast because the fat is reserved for the energy, therefore a water fast force our body to burn up our body fat, getting rid of addictive toxins within us. So that we may enjoy simplier and healthier food afterward!
2. Fasting is one of biblical way, based on Matthew 6 guideline for giving, praying and fasting, to seek the Lord. Isaiah 58 warns us that the Lord shall not answer to those who fast while exploiting all workers, quarreling and strife others, or showing false-humility. If we did it out of true passion, then God shall bring the light forth in us. All of us may go through a winter season of faith, the disciples asked Jesus, "Why couldn't we cast demon out?" when they failed to do so. Jesus responded, "This kind never comes out except by prayer and fasting." -Matthew 17:21 and Mark 9:29.
I'm excited about what God's going to do in 2011 after seeing the long-proceeding results of 2010 fast!
"Where there's no prophetic vision, the people perish" -Prov 29:18
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Isaac, The First Baby Dedication (Gen 21-23)
A seed of craziness was delivered! God fulfilled His 14 years-old-promise to Abraham. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son, Isaac. God made Sarah laugh! Sarah also make everyone laugh over her. They rejoiced over their own son.
Wait a minute! It doesn't end there. God performed a miracle! It's due to His glory. Will Abraham and Sarah be willingly to wholly give Isaac back to Him? Stay tuned for this one.
After these things [All-Glory-Is-Due-To-Him] tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here am I." [Father-Of-Miracle] said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
Crazy remains crazy. It's crazy that Isaac's baby dedication was to be the burnt offering. It's crazy that Abraham's offspring, His people, will be servants and afflicted for 400 years in a land that is not theirs. It's crazy that Father, about 1700 years after Isaac, dedicated His One and Only Son to us through His crucifixion. Crazy requires sacrifice. A blessing came with a true sacrifice, a true obedience.
The angel of the Lord said, "because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heavem and as the sand that is on the seashore... because you have obeyed my voice."
Through those what-appears-to-be-cruelsome-dedication, we entered a victory through the spiritual realm. God brought a ram to rescue Isaac, and blessed Abraham's offsprings! God brought Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt, and brought them into the Promise Land! God transformed His Son from a dead-cocoon into a lively-butterfly, and blessed His Son by sending us the Holy Spirit so that we may finish what His Son had begun! We are all moving forward into victory. We forcefully lay hold of the victory as the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing.
Let us crazily dedicate our children, our Baby Siblings, and our possession to All-Glory-Is-Due-To-Him. A true dedication comes from a true obedience, not of our creativity.
Wait a minute! It doesn't end there. God performed a miracle! It's due to His glory. Will Abraham and Sarah be willingly to wholly give Isaac back to Him? Stay tuned for this one.
After these things [All-Glory-Is-Due-To-Him] tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here am I." [Father-Of-Miracle] said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
Crazy remains crazy. It's crazy that Isaac's baby dedication was to be the burnt offering. It's crazy that Abraham's offspring, His people, will be servants and afflicted for 400 years in a land that is not theirs. It's crazy that Father, about 1700 years after Isaac, dedicated His One and Only Son to us through His crucifixion. Crazy requires sacrifice. A blessing came with a true sacrifice, a true obedience.
The angel of the Lord said, "because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heavem and as the sand that is on the seashore... because you have obeyed my voice."
Through those what-appears-to-be-cruelsome-dedication, we entered a victory through the spiritual realm. God brought a ram to rescue Isaac, and blessed Abraham's offsprings! God brought Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt, and brought them into the Promise Land! God transformed His Son from a dead-cocoon into a lively-butterfly, and blessed His Son by sending us the Holy Spirit so that we may finish what His Son had begun! We are all moving forward into victory. We forcefully lay hold of the victory as the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing.
Let us crazily dedicate our children, our Baby Siblings, and our possession to All-Glory-Is-Due-To-Him. A true dedication comes from a true obedience, not of our creativity.
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