My New Year Resolution hibernates for five more days. This year I've decided to follow Awakening for 21 days of fasting. It could be 7 days of water fast, followed by 7 days of liquid (juices), and 7 days of Daniel fast. Or 21 days of Daniel fast. Or 21 days of liquid fast.
How does fasting benefits us?
1. Fasting is one of the greatest way to change the lifestyle. It's an effective way to overcome the addicition to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, other recreational drugs, salt, sugar, and other stimulants. In fact, after water or liquid fast, spinach without dressing will seem sweet to us and we will marvel at how refreshing apples are. I just learned that a water fast will help the people to detoxify and heal quicker than a liquid fast because the fat is reserved for the energy, therefore a water fast force our body to burn up our body fat, getting rid of addictive toxins within us. So that we may enjoy simplier and healthier food afterward!
2. Fasting is one of biblical way, based on Matthew 6 guideline for giving, praying and fasting, to seek the Lord. Isaiah 58 warns us that the Lord shall not answer to those who fast while exploiting all workers, quarreling and strife others, or showing false-humility. If we did it out of true passion, then God shall bring the light forth in us. All of us may go through a winter season of faith, the disciples asked Jesus, "Why couldn't we cast demon out?" when they failed to do so. Jesus responded, "This kind never comes out except by prayer and fasting." -Matthew 17:21 and Mark 9:29.
I'm excited about what God's going to do in 2011 after seeing the long-proceeding results of 2010 fast!
"Where there's no prophetic vision, the people perish" -Prov 29:18
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