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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Father-in-law's Ultimate Advice (Ex 16-18)

I love the reunions! I visited my mother's side in Minnesota after 14 long years last year! I met my youth group buddy two weeks ago in California after the lengthy 6 years! I came back to DC, my home, after 4-ever weeks to see my DC Spiritual Family once again! Reunion moments with the extraordinary people are precious! Moses met his father-in-law who came with Moses' wife and two sons and they reunited.

Jethro is a fine father-in-law, as a man could want. He brought Moses' family to have a warm reunion together. He even paid for a nice dinner! Evermore, he gave Moses a ultimate advice that helped him not to "do it all" and start to delegate, which prepared him for Mt. Sinai. It's where God brought Israel closer to Himself through Moses!

Let us look at few pointers:

-"You will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone."
Two independent horses cannot carry 3,000 lbs. One can carry 700 lbs and another can carry 800 lbs. Both can carry 1,500 lbs, but when they worked together they can carry 3,000 lbs! Golden rule: we cannot try to do everything for everyone alone!

-"Morever, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe."
Did we catch this 'look for able men FROM all the people'? It means that we should look for someone who's already part of the group, of the company, or of the church rather than looking hard for someone outside the cave. So that we may discern their characters. If none are able, then we wait on Him as we pray, don't push.

-"Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves."
Each leaders/children/volunteers have their own unique gifts. Let them use their gifts to do their parts, but when it comes to the decision that may impact everyone they shall come to you.

-"If you do this, God will direct you."
If you delegate and trust them, then you shall hear His voice better. Elijah discerned God's low whisper among the earthquake, the fire and the wind when he stood on the mountain alone!

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