"You have abadoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent."
Get up!
Some of us may undergo the cloud of confusion, we didn't know why and how we got into this. We felt trapped. Darkness closes in. We cried. Silence. We prayed. Nothing. We squirmed. We were full of questions. Why? Why?
The answer lies in our memory. We cried to our God because we experienced that true Love once. But we forgot to pick up our mat and get up to walk. We cannot linger there anymore. Because the light have been dimmed within you. Leave this place before the light will be fully gone, removed. Leave.
Get back!
Where will we go? We got to trace our way back to the Primal Love. Ask ourselves this question: When did our light within us began to dim? What was the cause?
Once we discovered the answers, we shall repent. To repent is to be conscience-striken about our past action and change one's life for the better.
Lord, please open our eyes and lit up lights in each of us, your ambassadors. Amen.
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