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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

‎"Ephphatha": Coal vs Salvia (Is 5-8)

Isaiah told God, "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips!"

God didn't stop here, for He sent one of the seraphim to Isaiah with a burning coal in his hand. The seraphim touched Isaiah mouth with coal secured in tongs that came from the altar. Then seraphim said, "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for." God took care of Isaiah's messy mouth!

Let us pause here for a moment! Which kind of Ephphatha would you like: a coal that came from the altar or a salvia that came from Jesus' mouth?
Premise 1: If the coal came from altar in the Holy Place, then it must be holy!
Premise 2: If the salvia came from the Son of God, then it must be holy!
Premise 3: Ephphatha coal existed before the Christ.
Premise 4: Ephphatha salvia existed after the Christ.
Premise 5: Fiery coal and watery salvia do not mix.
Premise 6: We, the modern people, exist after the Christ.
Conclusion: Therefore, we need Jesus' salvia!

Or should I set it as this (in a non-argumentative style of writing): Ephphatha coals for the hearing and Ephphatha salvia for the deaf?

Now Isaiah told the Lord, "Here am I! Send me." And he received the commission from the Lord to tell the others about what the Lord is saying, "Go, and say to this people: 'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'" Isaiah wondered how long will they be blind and deaf, he asked and the Lord replied, "Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is a desolate waste, and the Lord removes people far away, and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land." The Lord shall make His cities waste! His land shall be barren of the people and things.

Helen Keller quoted, "Blindness separates us from things, but deafness separates us from the people".

God warned the people of Israel through Isaiah that they will not understand nor perceive. To understand is to know His voice and to grasp meaning of something. To perceive is to know His presence and observe/identify what comes from God.

Say to us all, "Ephphatha" so that we may understand and perceive!

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