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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God's Sky Pencil

A "Sky Pencil" Japanese Holly tree is being planted in the garden when God drew a line for the outpouring rain to come!

My friends and I felt the breeze and we knew that the rain will come soon. So we dug as fast as we could and put things into order before the rain comes. We were halfway through the project when we ceased, but before we left, our landlords pointed toward something. We looked. We were amazed when we saw the line, few hundred yards away, between the drought and the outpouring rain! I quickly grabbed my phone to capture this moment.

I couldn't help it but to connect those two illustrations, the Sky Pencil and the Rain Line, together. The rain came from the sky, forming a line as if God drew the line! I began to imagine about how Moses saw how God wrote on the 10 Commandments with His own finger.

After a while, the outpouring rain came into our way. Get ready for the 41. That is my definition of the outpouring blessings. Actually I am being taught by someone else whom I had never met. And even more, I don't remember why 41 is the number for it. Maybe a verse or a symbol. Anyway, let's get back to the point, the rain came!

And with a sentence through this blog, a 6.0 earthquake also came when I was in DCA airport! Shaking my head.

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