It reminds me of a newly sand-time watch that I found! Ever seen it? It's almost like a hourglass, but it is something that we wear on our wrist! It tells you time when sand falls from above, in the same way, God is changing the amount of blessing and protection. When we turn aside from Him, then the hourglass is being upside down, and things began to get worse, we began to hear Him less and less as the sand go down the wrong way.
But when God said that He will wipe Jerusalem as one wipes a dish, He didn't just turn the hourglass upside down, but He cleans the sand out to make it completely empty. When He turned it upside down, there is no sand to keep flowing His protection. So they will be wiped clean and remain empty! In Manasseh and Amon the son of Manasseh reign, they did what's evil in the sight of the Lord, so their hourglass remained empty and upside down in the wrong way. They all remained in the darkness.
Then came Josiah after Amon, who reigned Judah when he was 8 years old and he did everything right in the sight of the Lord! So the hourglass was filled with sand again and it was turned into the right way. So His protection began to come upon them! They repair the Temple, find the Book of the Law, reform, and restore the Passover! They began to do what is right in His sight! They are getting out of the cage! There is hope!
Which side of the hourglass are we on? Are we going upside down in the wrong way or the right way?
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