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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Food Stages (1 Cor 3-4)

One mother asked: "I see the stages for baby foods such as 1st foods, 2nd foods, and 3rd foods. I have seen different charts that tell when they should eat certain foods and how much of them they should get at each month, however, when I go to the grocery store, I see the labels that say 1, 2, or 3, and I get confused. At which age group are each of them for and when I should switch between them? How many months should my baby be in order to start each of the groups?"

Here is a response to her question: "This can be a confusing topic. The problem is that each company that makes baby food uses a different label for each 'stage' of food. These stages aren't standardized, so you will have to do some findings. In general, begin with stage 1 foods for beginners, and don't offer your child toddler foods, which often contain chunks, until he is an experienced eater."

Paul said, "I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?"

The hardest thing about feeding the spiritual foods is that there is no standardized labels like the baby foods! But in general, if we see a division among the people, then we will know that they are not ready for the solid foods. But what did Jesus do? Jesus fed them parables, so that they will drink some milk, and those who aren't satified with the milk will come to Jesus to ask him about the parables to receive the solid foods from Him because they are ready. Jesus didn't force them to eat the solid foods.

If Jesus tried to force them to eat the solid foods, then they will spat them out like the babies due to their spiritual tongue-thrust reflex. The tongue-thrust reflex is a reflex that helps a baby to prevent choking (it usually disappear around 4 months). Until this reflex is gone, the babies will just spat out the solid foods and none of it will make it into their tummy's. So, why waste those solid spiritual foods if they won't go to their tummy? Give them spiritual milk.

They need time to get to know Him more before we start to feed them solid stuff. Give them the basic teachings such as using the Alpha courses that teaches: who is Jesus, why did Jesus die, how can we have faith, and etc. Don't give them harsh rules like how the circumcision party required the Gentiles to be circumcised. We may cause them to spat them out or to become some robots who may never know how to live their life to the fullest!

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