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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bring Out a Courage (Esther 3-4)

"Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish." Mordecai warned Esther after she claimed that the king haven't called her these thirty days.

Esther wondered what she can do. The first thought is to go to the king, but then she realized that it would mean death according to the law. Trapped. What else can she do? The king haven't called her to him for these thirty days. She felt helpless.

But Mordecai knew that Esther will be trapped in her helplessness as well! So he warned her that if even if she remained helpless, then she may miss the opportunity to bring the relief and deliverance for the Jews out of her hand. Mordecai encouraged her by telling her that God must have a purpose for this, "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" What a bold statement! Mordecai saw that God brought Esther into the kingdom to be a queen. So Mordecai saw how God may play His role in a time as this through Esther! Mordecai believed that God work things out for everybody's good. So God must have put Esther into that position in the right time so that she can bring deliverance for the Jews, then God's name will be glorified again through this.

Esther took Mordecai's words when she saw the bigger picture of what God's going to do. So she believed and proclaimed a three days fast among Jews through Mordecai, her young women and herself. Esther allowed God to take care of the result as she courageously gamble her life and position for a bigger opportunity.

Mordecai saw that it is much more than just a blessing that came from God. Mordecai saw that it is a bigger opportunity for Esther to take. So Esther took a risk!

Did you receive a blessing from God? Got a new job? Got a promotion? Do you think God gave you those just to bless you? Or maybe God wanted to bless you and to give you a bigger opportunity to do something like Esther did? Are you bold enough to take a risk like Esther did so that God may be glorified through this?

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