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Thursday, August 12, 2010

God's Romantic (Ez 13-16)

Let's wire our intimacy with Him! God's being romantic today. This passage shows that God's watching us with a special admiration! Who is as romantic as our God? No, not one!

"And when I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you in your blood, 'Live!' I said to you in your blood, 'Live!' I made you flourish like a plant of the field. And you grew up and became tall and arrived at full adornment. Your breasts were formed, and your hair had grown; yet you were naked and bare.
"When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord GOD, and you became mine. Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil. I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk. And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor that I had bestowed on you, declares the Lord GOD.

God is speaking to Israel as a woman. God is watching her growing after He spoke to her, "Live!" So Israel lived and grew as God watched over her until she was ready. When God spoke to our blood, "Live!" We began to grow as Jesus personally teaches us within our spirit just by dwelling in us and through the Holy Spirit, we will be able to read God's Love Letter for us. Why did God write those love letters? 1 John 2:21, "I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth." God is saying that we already knew the truth, but He write to us because we already knew Him. It is not a resume letter to invite us to Him, but it is a romantic letter because we already knew Him.

"But you trusted in your beauty and played the whore because of your renown and lavished your whorings on any passerby; your beauty became his." We became self-absorbed that we became a whore to Him! We chased after the world that will perish rather than remaining in His kingdom, which is like a bedroom made for us to be with Him! How often do we think about ourselves?

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughter had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy." (FYI- this verse didn't mention about Sodom's sexual sins, but about how greedy Sodom was! So what do you get from this verse about the ultimate sin in God's eyes? )

God destroyed your sister Sodom because they weren't part of the Servolution! Dino Rizzo told his leaders, staff, and volunteers: "You are the greatest church on the planet. It is your heart to serve that has truly ignite our servolution, and it is why I love doing life with you. Your humility, extreme generosity, and compassion for the poor and hurting take my breath away."

How may you serve the people around you today? Maybe you could take your guest on a motorcycle ride to the airport 4am in the morning! Or you could pick up your co-worker's dog's poop! Or you could cook an oatmeal with some flax seeds and fruits for your guests! Or even you could simply wave at someone lonely as you walk to your workplace daily to give a small ounce of love to that person!

Be 'sexy' for God by serving! (censored)

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