"And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day; for another quarter of it they made confession and worshipped the Lord their God."
A lot of us may misunderstood the word, "worship" in this verse, which with the illumination we may have an absolute different perspective upon this verse's context. Worshipping is much more than the music itself, worshipping is when we do things out of obedience. I consider my blogging and vlogging my act of worship because it is what God had led me to do! So whenever I do those, I worshipped God. My heart just glows when I'm doing those things because I knew that He wanted me to do so, not because I have to! When those people heard the Words for around 4 hours since the daylight should last for an average of 16 hours a day. After 4 hours of reading, they confessed and act things out of obedience, they may rearrange their homes in order to connect with Him better! Then after those 8 hours of loving God, they began to do what they needed to do for another 8 hours within the community before they get themselves into bed!
It's amazing how 8 hours loving God + 8 hours of loving people + 8 hours of loving our rest = living your life to the fullest! But those 24 hours probably turned into 48 hours because God acted upon the other 24 hours! God provided us everything that we lacked, so that we may lack nothing like how God sustained those people in the wilderness for 40 years! "You gave your good Spirit to instruct them and did not withhold your manna from their mouth and gave them water for their thirst. Forty years you sustained them in the wilderness, and they lacked nothing. Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell."
William J. Seymour once prayed five hours a day for two and half years just because he felt called to do so! But in the end of those two and half years, he felt called to increase the hours of prayer to seven hours a day and it continued for another one and half years before the revival began! Which must have totaled 8395 hours of prayer for those 4 years out of 35,040 hours of daylight. The prayer "batting" average is 0.36, which is more than a quarter of the day! The result of William J. Seymour's prayer "batting" average, the revival called "Azusa Street Revival" appeared! It's not just a revival, but a supernatural revival that continued for three years! His prayer life had sown those seeds, so he reaped those seeds for those three years of revival!
"Services at the mission were conducted three times each day at 10 AM, noon and 7 PM. They often ran together until the entire day became one worship service. This schedule was continued seven days a week for more than three years." (http://www.azusastreet.org/WilliamJSeymour.htm)
What's in your heart? What kind of seeds are you sowing? Do you believe that God will sustain you when you give yourself more to Him so that you may live your life to the fullest? Why not risk something, starting with an hour of seed? Praying is a way of letting God to speak to you through silence, through reading His words through Bible or others' testimony, or even singing your new songs. Just like how you would spend time to get know your parents, close friends, or someone in relationship. Praying = spending time to get know God. Worshipping = obeying and adoring Him through our action.
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