"The temptation to take matters into our own hands, to take over God's role as the transformer of culture, leads to folly... the one who gets the credit is the Creator."
"Is there a way to change the world without falling into one of the many traps laid for would-be world changers? If so, it will require us to learn the one thing the language of "changing the world" usually lacks: humility, defined not so much as bashfulness about our own abilities as awed and quiet confidence in God's ability."
"Jesus paries the procurator's assertion, 'I have power to release you, and power to crucity you,' by insisting, 'You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above' (Jn 19:10-11)."
"In C.S. Lewis's Narnia chronicles, we will very likely find ourselves suddenly snatched from a known and comfortable world to another one, where extraordinary things are expected of us that seem far beyond our own talents and capabilities."
"Grace is not a shortcut around our effort; it is the divine blessing on efforts that are undertaken in dependence and trust on God... Disciplines are private and invisible, preparing our hearts to handle the pressures of our work becoming public and visible... attracting no notice and deservicng no prize, humbling us in advance of the occasions when our work will be recognized and applauded... bring us to these moments of disillusionment with ourselves."
Wow! Grace = disciplining us into a private disillusionment of ourselves, so that we may learn to have a quiet confidence in God's ability! I'm grateful for those private disciplines God had in my life! Feeling unworthy? That's right we are all unworthy for our names are below His Name. But we are all worthy in His sight because we were created here to sing and praise His Name!
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