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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Innocent Takes Guilt (1 Sam 23-25)

"When Abigail saw David, she hurried and got down from the donkey and fell before David on her face and bowed to the ground. She fell at his feet and said, 'On me alone, my lord, be the guilt.'"

Abigail displayed Jesus Christ's character when she takes all of her husband's guilt upon her! But Abigail takes the guilt before a human: human to human. While Jesus takes the guilt before God: diety to diety. Unfortunately, there are some out-of-proportion stories out there. Ever read or watch "The Last Sin Eater"? Here is a summary:
"In 1850s Appalachia, 10-years-old Cadi Forbes feels responsible for her little sister's death, so she searches out the one man she feels can take away her sin - The Sin Eater. But in her quest for redemption, Cadi uncovers a dark secret that threaten to divide her family and community."
The dark secret is that no human could take away her sin because it is out-of-proportion! Do you want to know why her discover almost divided her family and community? I wouldn't want to ruin the secret, so you had to watch to find out if you haven't!

Abigail bowed to the ground before David to take her husband's guilt, Nabal's, upon herself! She had no choice, but to save herself and her servants! So she took the guilt upon herself without telling Nabal or even trying to convince Nabal to change his mind. C'mon people, don't forget that it is life-or-death situation, one had to be goody-sneaky! Beside, Abigail probably knew that Nabal is hard-headed, so it would waste her time trying to talk him out of it for she said to Daivd, "Nabal is his name, and folly is with him." Abigail didn't tell Nabal until he was sober in the next morning and as result, his heart died within him and he died 10 days later! So Abigail is now free from her husband, even more she won David's heart because she is willingly to speak up and take guilt upon herself for her husband to protect!

In the spiritual world, Jesus intervened by coming to the earth into a man without telling Satan about His plan! As result, Jesus won His heart and now, as the Church, we are able to marry Him! While the Satan will be doomed forever!

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