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Friday, July 9, 2010

Mask of Insanity (1 Sam 19-22)

Achish the king of Gath recalled the song about him:
"'Saul has struck down his thousands,
and David his ten thousands'?
And David took these words to heart and was much afraid of Achish the king of Gath. So he changed his behavior before them and pretended to be insane in their hands and made marks on the doors of the gate and let his spittle run down his beard."

Even one of our heroic figure had degraded himself in front of a king! Can you imagine one of your heroic role model acting like a madman, leaving his salvia on his beard? It is hard to believe isn't it? I think we all once acted weird at some point because we are all human, there isn't such thing as a perfect world, well not in this millennium!

Bruchko once quoted, "I would need to remember this lesson many times: before you really understand a people, don't judge."
He once thought that Yukos, the Indians in South America, hadn't cared about him because they looked at him stoldily without any signs of emotion on their face when he left. But the mule didn't cooperate him after an hour of riding, kicking him off and ran back to the village, forcing him to walk all the way back. So he grabbed the mule again and rode for three hours, this time Bruchko tried to win and the mule kicked him at the arm and then his face, causing the blood to spurt out of his mouth upon his neck and down on his clothes. After a hard long walk back to the village, he wrote, "As I neared the village, I began to yell, 'Help me! Please help me!' By that time, I didn't care if they laughed. Suddenly a few Yukos did appear. The chief was with them. They didn't laugh. The chief himself carried me up to the village and helped take care of me."
Bruchko realized that although the Yukos didn't show a sign of emotions when he left, but they truly cared about him! It is easy for us to look down someone who's emotionless or weird like the Yukos or like David and cast them out. But both Bruchko and Achish the king of Gath probably later realized that they cannot judge them without knowing them first!

It takes time for us to know each persons better before we can decide what's in their hearts. Know anyone you dislike? Maybe we should take time to know the person we dislike the most and learn the most from the person who is the opposite!

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