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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ad Fontes

The Reformation calls us to "ad fontes", which means "back to the sources". It is a movement back to the source. For us to follow the "ad fontes", we will have to know the Hebrew and Greek texts. That means we will swim back to the origin against the stream of status quo.

We mightn't notice the Christian fish symbol on Christians' car, pin, and etc. Those five Greek letter forms the word, "ixthus". Okay... So what. It's just a Christian fish symbol.

If we studied those letters, then we will cherish those fishes. The first letter represents the word Jesus, the second represents the word Christ, and the next two represent the words God's Son, and the last letter represents the word Savior. Thus those five letters stand for "Jesus - Christ, - God's - Son, - Savior". Amazing, isn't it?

Luther said, "In proportion then as we value the gospel, let us zealously hold to the languages. For it was not without purpose that God caused His scriptures to be set down in these two languages alone- the Old Testament in Hebrew and the New in Greek."

Do we love the Christ and the gospel? If we answer yes to those questions, then we may also love the original Hebrew and Greek texts in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 8:1 stated that "knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." I concluded that it may be necessary to study the original biblical texts for the love of learning not for the desire to politically know-it-all.

Billy Graham adviced us to "study more, preach less, avoid politics."

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