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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When Will We Need To Shut-Up?

It is probably the longest time I've ever stopped to blog. I have been thinking about blog about several topics, but I held myself back from blogging. Why did I held myself back? When is it the right time to blog? Or the question should be like this, "When will we need to shut-up?" because we probably won't find the most accurate time to talk and leave things unsaid.

Let us take a look into Proverb 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." My youth pastor gave me this and I've memorized that verse ever since! But let me modify that verse a bit for us to link that verse to our thoughts, "Uppermost, we must filter our mind so that what comes out of our mind may lifts up one another."

I believe that it is our responsibility to filter our mind when it's cloudy or stormy before we talk. Sometimes our cloudy mind may last for a day, a week, a month, or even a year! How do we filter our stormy mind? I think Peter's story would metaphorically answer our question. When he sank into the stormy sea after he boldly walked on the water toward Jesus, he shouted, "Lord, save me." Is that it? Yeah our minds are full of complexions thus once we look at the complexions, we lost our eyes on Jesus. Just like how Peter saw the wind and sank. We saw how complex our mind is and we sank in our own attempt to understand our mind, our world. "Save us, Lord," we shout and He will reach toward us to plant us firmly upon the ground once again. And then we began to lift our eyes onto Him once again and continue to walk upon the water. In faith, we keep our eyes onto Him not onto the complexions of this world.

Like Peter, I once sank into a stormy sea for a lengthy morning. Thus, I decided to not blog on that day to be able to pray about the storm although I blogged almost daily at that time. After praying, a thought immediately came into my mind as the cloudy mind disappeared. So I got up from praying and blogged about my clouded mind. I believe that God wants us to be the steward of our own mind and heart so that He may allow the Spirit to flow into our creative mind to encourage one another. Authentic worship opens the heavens for the outpourings.

"But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." -Matt 15:18-19

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