We may all love the Lord with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength like Mary. But are we either John the Baptist- Mary (or Mary-Mary if you like) or Martha-Mary? Some of us may see some terms such as prophetic-teacher, prophetic-evangelism, or apostolic-pastor. It is often like this: characteristic-called... if you are prophetic-teacher, then you are a teacher with some characteristics of a prophet in you. So are you like Mary with the characteristic of John the Baptist or Martha?
Mary- Loving God with her whole heart
Martha- distracted from God by home or religious or other duties
John the Baptist- Either no duties (eating locust and honey) OR serving the people with his disciples (then lead them to Jesus when He came, 'Behold!')
Luke 10:40-42 ESV- "But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her"
Uh?! Martha was distracted! It seems like Martha had forgotten the simple fire drill! STOP-DROP-ROLL! Sometimes we need to pause and look around us! Maybe there is a lost sheep out there, or some people who are in the verge of wandering away to become lost! Um... but, we have a lot of things to do! YEAH! But leaving a sheep alone ain't the way to go!
Did Jesus set an example? Sure! He told them in the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15) about how a shepherd will leave 99 sheep to look for one... ONLY ONE... lost sheep. Often we all are like Martha, filled with all of those religious duties that we forgot about reaching to the others. BUT I need to finish those duties!... well we can either abandon the duties and allow someone to take over! OR we can invite a sheep to join us in serving like how Jesus called his Twelve!
SLOW DOWN AND INVITE SOMEONE! Can't we serve WITH someone and enjoy serving together? Keep your eyes open, be on look-out with Holy Anticipation! BANG!
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