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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We need the "Superman" inner self (Job 16-18)

Job repeated, "Hope" many times in his responses! As I mentioned that hopelessness is from the spirit of LIES in the previous blog. Job's responses show that he really know God! I wonder how can it be? Some of us can be encouraged through difficult situations as we cling on to His promises. It makes me wonder what kind of promises did Job have from God that makes him to cling on to his Hope? It is something that only Job knows! What about you? We all need some promises from Him to hold on to! Maybe we should ask, A.S.K. - Ask Seek Knock...

Maybe he had some dreams or prophecies, but he had no Bible to read during Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob's time! How can it be? During that time, most of history are being passed down through the repeatition, called folktale. It also can be passed down through songs like how Moses sang among the people to help them to remember His laws. Maybe we can sing our testimonies as well, about how He had helped us in different situations and places! Shout EBENEZERS!

Job seems to have a super inner self! Like an invisible SUPERMAN to us, who love to read comics or watch TV! He has some emotions, but he never let go of Hope! That makes me wonder why his friends couldn't see that Job has the SUPERMAN inner self? Maybe they have seen it but denied it because they rather to believe in the fate? That is what I call supernatural inner self! A miracle! Bildad asked Job, "why are we stupid in your sight?" and later he told Job, "Indeed, the light of the wicked is put out." but what he didn't realize that it is what he is! Bildad didn't see the invisible MIRROR. Indeed, the light of Bildad and other friends are put out. Maybe that's why they didn't see Job's supernatural inner self.

"Perfect love casts out fear" 1 John 4:18

(I call it supernatural inner self because it casts out fear, casts out the spirit of LIES...)

Before Bildad began to talk, Job told his friends that it is easy to point fingers til you are in my shoes. Yeah, if his friends experienced what Job experienced, they probably react differently and realize that Job is supernatural because of Hope in him.

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