I have been thinking a lot lately about my reading speed! I'm still reading "the Unstoppable Force" by Erwin Raphael McManus although it's due for the Protege huddle yesterday. I began to analyze myself why I didn't want to rush through the book to finish it in time for the huddle?
It just came up in my mind that creativity comes from the process of removing the old ways of thinking to welcome new thoughts! Yeah, that's what I've been feeling! I felt that this book has brought a lot of new thoughts and illumination into my brain that I need to be able to let my brain to wander around tons of files inside my brain to toss some old files, to create some spaces like how we click "defragment" to clean our computers! Which allows more new thoughts to enter our brain!
The question is, how do we know which book should we take our time to read? Of course, we should take time to read our Bible! Maybe challenge ourselves to read 15-30 minutes for every chapter we read! But allow 1/3 of our time reading the texts and 2/3 of our time to let our brain to do some defragmentation!
Remember the fable: Tortoise beats the hare!
We all need to bring creativity into our brain to be able to go out and share about Him! Though the Gospels and testimonies! Yeah He wants us to share about how He changed our lives. How He turned our worst pain into good cuz our God is a loving God!
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