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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Message to Ladies (and men)!!! From "Beautiful You" Conference...

The "Beautiful You" conference was amazing! I feel like it is one of greatest gift from God! I got this ticket for free because someone dropped out and said "YEA!" to grab the ticket before the opportunity ends! I read "Fight Like a Girl", "Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry", and even her husband's book, "Undercover". They are simply amazing in how God used them to encourage many people out there, including me!

Messages from this Conference:

She explained about how she tried to be like someone (forgot her name) and be buff! So she found a personal trainer to find out that she has to be assessed first! So she had to go through those crap to find out that she is tiny and fat! So she realized that she is fat inside although she looks great on the outside! It is similar to our physical and spiritual discipline! We may look spiritual on the outside, but are the opposite on the inside! It is better to work on the inside first and let it works on the outside itself! How? By knowing Him first, make Him a priority in your life, 100%!

She also told us that we, women, can be like a kitten, being gentle and soft, and a lion, being brave and strong, at the same time! Whoa!!! Lisa Bevere owns a motorcycle Ninja (to show the world our boldness, I add!)! Yeah we, women, can be strong and tough! Yeah we can stand up and be outspoken and fight for His causes! But the difference between being strong and being a feminist is that being feminist is to criticize someone and pull them down! That isn't what we should do! We are called to be strong to build someone/something up! God brought Eve into Adam's live to be a helper, to solve his problem! We are like a problem solver! Guys need us!! (psst... oh boy, yeah we need them too!)...

Kitten- eyes glow in dark... like how we should be the lamp to the dark and be able to discern many things, to notice something in the dark! Soft, but wise and able to see things!
Lion- Strong and brave, will chase the prey and capture the prey (we don't kill, but capture the lost for His glory)... interesting, lion will live during the day and hunt in the dark! Like lamb in midst of wolves.

Stop being unnatural! Be authentic! Don't hug our brethens sideway, but to embrace like a brethen. Of course, sometimes we got to be wise, but we got to stop living in fear and be loving by being natural!

Sometimes we got to focus something 100%. Instead of going out with friends to gossip or to do some shopping, maybe we are called to stay home to know Him first, to serve Him... and then to serve family or roommates.

Stop saying "satan" to the people when they sin, but to bring a plan to change any plans that won't bring Him any glory. Be strong and confront those plans without "sin" or "satan"... but to bring a plan to change! Don't tell them that this plan "isn't proper for me as a Christian", but to change the plan without telling them that you are a Christian! Who cares about words and gibberish! Action speaks louder volume, so let's act! Because they will recognize the vibe and know!

Don't every try to stop the Holy Spirit from flowing! If it flow at any place that don't do Him good, let it flow! If it flow to the sinners, let it flow! Even if it flow in Sodom and Gomorrah, then let it flow! Who are we to stop His flow, His work?! We are called to build others up not to kill others! We are called to build their visions not to kill their visions. Lift their dreams not to kill their dreams! It is God's job to change people, to remove their transgression! He is the Judge.

If we were deeply hurt, then we are able to heal them deeply! Since we, women, are often hurt deeply compared to men, then we are called to heal them deeply! In the last days, we, women, will rise! Acts 2:17 shows that His sons and daughters will prophesy! Yeah we will go out to tell the world about You! Also Revelation 12, we women will build up the church to be His bride! We are designed to build, to restore that relationship! A call for unity, Oneness!

1 John 2:20-21 "But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. I write (or speak) to you, not because you don't know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth."

**(FYI- I added some of my own words to make it a bit more completed from my notes! )

1 comment:

  1. Wow - great post! So glad you enjoyed the conference...

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