Erwin Raphael McManus asked his son, "Who is the leader?" after his son was watching cartoons, maybe X-Men. Then his son pointed to one of characters, "Well, that is the leader." Erwin asked, "How do you know?" His son responded, "The leader always stay in the back and only gets involved when everyone else is about to die."
I love how his son thinks! But Erwin later explained in his book, "Revolutionaries do not lead from behind a desk. There are some things that you cannot delegate if you're not the one in front."
Jeremiah told God, "When your words showed up, I ate them- swallowed them whole. What a feast! What delight I took in being yours, O God, God-of-the-Angel-Armies! I never joined the party crowd in their laughter and their fun. Led by you, I went off by myself."
Although Jeremiah didn't have any followers to follow him, but he is a leader because he was willingly to go out to wherever He led him. Jeremiah went out to Israel to be His messenger. Although no one listened, he continued to go out as the Lord directed him to do so, to tell them about His messages. Jeremiah is a leader because he was the one in front!
We all can be a leader like Jeremiah, Moses, George Washington, or any other wonderful leaders. We all need to go to Him first, "When your words showed up, I ate them", by eating His Words. His Words will equip us to become a leader, then He will send us out. Either leading a pack or leading few or none. But all leaders will always feel alone because they are in the front, facing whatever comes at them first. It is normal, but we have to remember that we are NEVER alone because God is the one leading us with the Angel Armies! We got to be careful not to get ahead of His direction and stay behind Him and let Him guide us. Keep following... Keep refreshing yourself for the battle by eating His Words... Keep going...
thanks, I'll step up.