I feel like God is like our Head Track and Field coach, shouting, "No, you are running backward!"... "No you are running off the lane, get back on the right lane before you get disqualified!". That's what He was trying to tell Israel through His messenger, Jeremiah!
Since Israel isn't running on the right lane, Israel had to be disqualified from the race, so she wasn't able to win the race to receive the prize from Him! So other runner won. Since He is also a race director, He has to give the prize to other runner! So He and His messenger were filled with grief, "I wish my head were a well of water and my eyes fountains of tears so I could weep day and night" for Israel. How stubborn is Israel to refuse her coach's instruction, and lose instead! She listened to herself instead! Sometimes we make the same mistake as Israel, and learned from our mistakes and listen to our coach the next time!
It's the same with how God tried to coach us in our life... instead of shouting, "This is the temple of the Lord, this is the temple of the Lord, this is the temple of the Lord." He shouts, "You are the temple, you are the temple, you are the temple." In Israel's time the Lord dwells in the Temple, but because Jesus came to shake many things! Now the temple was torn down and He dwells inside us instead through the Holy Spirit! Now, we can listen to Him directly! Let's listen to His voice and be alive!
His voice often doesn't make sense to us because His voice isn't from our voice. Like how Jeremiah appeared from nowhere to warn Israel, His voice may appear from nowhere in our head, telling us to go this way! We got to take a risk to take a step and listen, to learn whether it is from Him or not. Often our step will come with a true inner peace and inner joy when we followed. If it doesn't come with an inner joy, we got to test to see if the voice is from Him or something else... it's part of the learning progress.
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