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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sheep with no Shepherd (Mark 5-6)

Jesus called his disciples to a desolated place to take a rest, but his plan changed when he saw this huge crowd. His heart broke when he saw them like sheep without shepherd, so he went ahead to teach among them right away!

Jesus showed a true sacrifice in this passage! He knew that they need some rest, but He also knew that He was here to serve. So He decided to sacrifice His "Sabbath" to serve by teaching them, caring them. Some people need some healing, teachings, touch, etc. Whenever Jesus saw that there is a need, he will sacrifice his "Sabbath" to provide... like how Jesus said, "What kind of action suits the Sabbath best? Doing good or doing evil? Helping people or leaving them helpless?" (Mark 3 MSG). He didn't plan to teach, but he happened to see the need! In the same way, our Sabbath should be kept free for us to go to any desolated place, to go to Him. But we got to keep our eyes open like how Jesus kept his. Our Sabbath can be like a week vacation to Hawaii, a day vacation to a water park, or an hour break on the roof praying. It's up to us to say to ourselves, hey it is our break, so we shouldn't help... or follow Jesus' example and immediately go to those in need. HOLY ANTICIPATION.

I love how Jesus did this without planning! He went ahead to teach right away! Why couldn't we do that... even more he taught until it is late! Wow, when his disciples asked him to send them away to eat, Jesus reversed it. Jesus asked his disciples to go away and find the food for 5000 people instead! So they went and found only 2 fishes and 5 loaves. But it was good enough for Jesus and 5000 people ate their fill, then came 12 baskets of leftovers! Jesus didn't just taught them, but he also provide them all free food! Best Shepherd we ever had! PINIC TIME!

It just sounds like an Alpha course to me! I am encouraged by this passage in continuing this group (not following Alpha series anymore) although Campus Alpha series are supposed to end before the spring break. But they are hungry for more Words, so we decided to continue this a bit longer, but we will teach about how science and Bible work together, evidence, etc! GO!

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