Even the greatest Biblical hero had once felt alone, so he cried to the Lord and lifted his soul up. Then the Almighty God took care of the rest when David didn't know what he could do!
"At first, I was overwhelmed by the call, by the heaviness of the load God was asking me to bear. But as I began to walk out this vision, I came to see that I would never have to carry the burden alone. If I would lead others with humility and openly express my heart and passion for these hurting, opressed people, God would gather and grow a large team of individuals willing to put their shoulders under the weight of that burlap sack - full of hurting, rejected, and precious people - symbolizes our servolution, " Dino Rizzo wrote in Servolution and Healing Place Church was amazingly the only church President George W. Bush mentioned in February 2004 among other faith-based organizations who worked to make a difference in the nation.
How may we be like David and Dino Rizzo? Or maybe the question we all should ask is this: how may we be like those mighty men under a leader like David or Dino Rizzo? A lot of us aren't called to be like David or Dino Rizzo, but to be a middle leader who are called to be their shoulders.
Paul Cain usually tell people, "We can only teach you what to do with words. Nobody can teach you how to receive words from God. Those things are the activity of the Holy Spirit in our human experience. We can only teach you how to cooperate with the activitiy of the Spirit, not how to produce the activity of the Spirit."Why should we try to produce our own authority when God's the only one who plucks David's feet out of the net? God will choose a team. Instead, let us continue to learn how we may cooperate with the activity of the Spirit with willingness as the Spirit stretch and move us.
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