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Monday, April 5, 2010

Post-Easter: Follow Me (John 19-21)

When Peter saw him (the beloved Apostle John), he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!"

Jesus asked Peter the "Do you love me?" questions again after the resurrection! Peter may feel offended by this repeated questions from pre-Easter! However, what he didn't realize is that Jesus is training him to follow him. It is easy for him to look across his shoulder to someone else when he saw that someone else is just reclining at table close to Jesus, looking relaxed. The envy began to build up inside Peter, so Peter said, "what about this man?"...

Jesus knew how Peter feel, so he challenged Peter by saying, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?" He taught Peter something! He turned Peter's head toward himself, Peter was looking across his shoulder to someone else, but Jesus "turned his head" so that Peter won't compare himself with the others. Then he said, "follow me!"

I once heard a friend saying, "I used to look at other girls' body, I want that leg, I want that hair, I want that shape, and etc. But now I realized that other girls also want something I have that they don't have. So I learned to accept the way I was shaped and appreciate it!" In the same way, other disciples, even John, may see something in Peter that they wanted. Nowadays Peter is well-known among the Christians as the most fearless disciple! No fear!

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